I was thinking gollum? He was ripped in his facebook pictures though. Meth is a helluva drug I guess. Lister showed a lot of restraint in that video. If I came home and someone was in my house, well one I wouldn't have confronted them, but if they charged me like that guy did you can bet your ass all 15 rounds in my 9mm would be going their direction in a hurry.
This is the best thing you will see today: In related news, r/holdmybeer is now my favorite part of the Internet.
I'm pretty sure that 99% of that restraint is in knowing that he can fuck up just about everyone on the planet one-on-one. I would imagine that he intended to use the gun more as an attempt to scare the guy away, and as an extreme last resort. Lister kept his cool, for sure, and kept sight of the big picture. Kudos to him.
Crazy how it looks like the dude was in the middle of tearing about household equipment, while burglarizing the place. Big thing meth heads do is tweek out and tear apart electronic equipment and then can't figure out how to get it back together. I'd have had the dude at gun point until the police arrived.
One of the curses of online buying.... I thought my Z28 needed a white shift knob, reminiscent of the Hurst shifters in the 60's. So I ordered one. It arrived and it was kind of white, but not actually white. It's brand new but looks like it was originally white and spent the past 40 years in a cabin where the owner chain smoked with the windows up. $25 down the drain. I just ordered another one. This one claims it's "Bright White". I fucking hope so, it was another $24.
Hey Toytoy, does your Camaro have the dreaded "skip shift" feature? If so, there's an easy fix for that...
I'm all ears. I don't have the car yet but it does have the CAGS. I've been dreading dealing with that bullshit.
Just go to summit racing, search CAGS delete for your make and model. Should be about $20-25. There are also instructions online to make your own if you're feeling froggy
Thanks, I never knew such a product existed. Summit didn't have one for my car, but I found one on e-bay for $9.89 delivered.
The AvE video Nett posted is actually a process called retrobriting that fixes plastic discolored by UV light over time. It doesn't typically affect any other coloring, and is mostly used by people restoring old computers and game consoles. It won't help if your shift knob is brand new, though.
Australia, what art thou? Your wildlife was designed by HP Lovecraft, which you handle with ease but you try to handle something as easy as a farm animal....
If you like awkward, this is for you! "Hey, I didn't kill my wife, either . . . she 'committed suicide' . . . she got depressed and put herself in a bag full of rocks."
Florida security guard gets fired after videoing 6 months of his farts at work and posting them online. It wasn't the content of the videos, but rather, that he wasn't supposed to be videoing at work in the first place. Here is the world's stinkiest man, appropriately nicknamed "Paul Flart":
That’s too set up. Should have had the balls to just Go with the big black cock joke. Maybe a little less on the staged running and you’d have a decent viral video. Local news continues its worthlessness.