You’re just jealous because you lack the sand it takes to become a Professional Message Board Moderator. She had a rough middle class upbringing, nobody gave her a shot. But through perseverance and dedication she was paid the big bucks to scold people for using all caps or double posting.
They're missing out on a real money making opportunity here. They've got plenty of ferry boats in the area....charge $10 a head and sell $8 beers to watch a sniper shoot it. I know I wouldn't be the only one willing to pony up a few dollars to watch that.
Or it could actually be an old mine that was protecting the Seattle harbor way back then when they were real.
Or get some of those Seaworld-trained Killer Whales in there and have a one-of-a-kind-but-only-once whale watching cruises.
Too bad it wasn't in Oregon... cuz THEY know how to handle that shit... (I will never not post that whenever given the chance... as it is 100% pure awesome)
I don't see why Nett didn't send her an email. "Hey Shawonda, thanks for the offer to moderate here at TiB! We have a few select paid moderators here. After a brief trial period, our mods can make up to $2000 / week (US). You first need to be a member here for at least 2 weeks, and receive 100 reputation points. Then there's a quick mod test to pass. (I'm sure you've done those before!) And then you're good to go." To watch all the red dots, or explaining the green dots flow for posting boobs, would be hilarious.
Bring the kids! The title of that video should be simply “Newton’s Law”. Did these experts honestly think that thousands of pounds of meat were going to vapourize into thin air? This goes into the “what were they thinking” pile along with Cleveland Balloonfest and Light Up Atlanta.
Oh, I don't know dude... if Mythbusters can make a full cement truck vapourize, some whale blubber shouldn't stand a chance. They just needed more explosives. It's one of those "if you don't REALLY commit, you're fucked" scenarios. They didn't commit.
Westworld, Commodore 64-style: Oh, Toronto. You will just do ANYTHING to put yourself on the world stage.
"Spending half an hour with one doll costs $80, with two dolls running $160." Why would you need two dolls?
I was thinking maybe to have one stare at you with their soulless eyes while you cry and thrust in shame. I guess it could make the humiliation somehow worse.
Because one of them likes to watch. Bright idea: you can kidnap these whores and they won’t scream. Imagine the “perp walk” for the first guy who gets busted doing that. And the reviews for the place: “It was awful. Just just laid there the whole time, there was no romance at all and she wouldn’t close her eyes whenever I kissed her.”