Its watermelon season, bitches. And that means there is a pink puddle under my kid's chair and I'm going to have to hose the gremlin off in a few minutes.
My H.S. 30th reunion was today. I wasn’t gonna go, but it was on my way home from having a few beers so I stopped in, a couple hours late and under dressed ( not that I gave a shit ). There was only eight people there, and by the sounds of things only about 12 showed up. I was only there a half hour or so, and the people that were there were people I liked 30 years ago. But really I only went because I knew it was a big deal to one person, and she’s a genuinely nice person. If not for her I’d have kept driving. I will say, our class has aged well.
I have not been to a single class reunion, and my 20th was a couple of years ago. It's always the same woman organizing it, and I always feel bad for not going. But... I kinda don't want to go...
I get it, 100%. Neither did I, and honestly I could have driven right on by and went home. It felt kind of awkward, I think because it was $75 a person and turn out was so low, especially compared to pics I've seen of the 20th. It kinda makes me wonder if there will be anymore. I think social media has kinda rendered class reunions moot. For me, personally, the "good old days" had nothing to do with high school or the people that went there.
Yep... high school was not the social peak of my life, and I barely want to remember it, never mind relive it. It's not that it was bad, just that 95% of my social life was outside of school, and most of my friend group was outside of school. I've always had very few good friends... went for the quality over quantity thing. There are 2 people that went to school with me that I chat with every few years, and the rest I just don't really give a shit enough about to go to a reunion. Also, my graduating class was 700, so there's that.
Yeah see that’s what I don’t get, I moved to a large city and everyone I know down here graduated with 600 + people, high schools here are like community college campuses where I am from. What’s the point of a reunion when nobody knew each other anyway? My class keeps saying there will be a reunion, never amounts to anything, we graduated with 70 people so we all knew each other - hard to get 70 people together when half left the zip code and don’t want to come back.
My 20th is coming up next summer. I went to my 10th and it was alright, maybe 30 people. I had a fun time in highschool and stayed in my hometown. My group of friends is still 3 or 4 people I knew from high school. I made a shit ton more friends in college but most of them were from out of town and moved out soon after. I talk to one guy every year or two now from my college days. Im more thrown off by how fast the previous ten years went then the first ten after high school. Seems like yesterday I was going to my 10th. Even with covid the past decade went by in a flash. It's been over a decade since I lived in Shanghai. Smash Mouth was right, the years start coming and they dont stop coming. Speaking of which my formative teenage years spent in the late 90s/early 20s was a good time. It was all MTV Spring Breaks and positive vibes. I couldnt imagine being a teen today with politics and covid. They are either are going to be a whacked out lost generation or come through like the greatest generation after WWII.
My 20th was cancelled by COVID. I didn't go to the 10th either. I would probably go if it were convenient and relatively cheap; I pretty much assume that, in the intervening 2 decades, people change and essentially everyone will be strangers showing up to a party together, only we have some built-in icebreakers. But I don't care about any of these people except the few I already stay in touch with, so I have absolutely no motivation to go out of my way to attend. Since I don't live near my home town anymore, the stars would have to align for me to be visiting anyway.
This is about to hit the Big Green Egg. A nice waygu brisket done 2 ways. It might just be ready for dinner tomorrow night.
In other news, Monday is a stat for me, so I took Friday off for a nice 4-day. I have no idea where the time went... but I feel like I totally did not take advantage of it.
To answer @binx bolling rep: It is the same monster brisket. It was from Costco... they have a "specialty grocery" section in their online store, and this beast was about $120 delivered. I'm super impressed so far. I cut it in half, and one half is a spicy pepper medley (salt, pepper, onion, garlic, cayenne, etc) that I plan on using an apple cider mop with, the other is a more classic mesquite sugar based rub. This is me thawing it out in the cooler. I love thawing meat out like this... just put the sous vide on 120 and it does a great job "turbo thawing" big cuts like roasts, etc.
Well since nettdata is posting his meat pics in here, i might as well too, even thou i put them in the smoke your meats Traditional brisket, from the point. Pastrami from the flat.
Last year they were still going on sale for 2.99$ a lb and I scored a few full packers for like 50 bucks. Made pastrami and it was the absolute shit. Not 100+ dollars good but friggin delicious.
Damn brisket is still like $2.50/lbs here. When Covid started making meat a bit more scarce it went up from $2.25 and has stayed there ever since
If you get a chance to catch the current Rage Against the Machine tour make sure you do so. It was the Top Gun: Maverick of tours. I waited 20 years for it. Assumed it would never happen. Assumed it would just be ok when it did. I was wrong. It was amazing. I danced and sang for an hour and a half. I may go watch it again.
I really want to see them again, but they aren't coming anywhere near me and tickets for the places which are somewhat doable are beyond expensive. My first concert of theirs I saw was at the old Meadows in CT when they were on tour with Wu-Tang Clan. The crowd ALMOST burnt down the entire venue. Good times...
Yeah, they just played Toronto. By the time I knew about the tour, the tickets were insanely expensive, and as much as I love Tom and the boys, I just wasn't prepared to spend that much to do so. Which is too bad, because I could have seen Tom get tackled off the stage by an uncoordinated security dude.
I went to the Pittsburgh show Friday. It rocked. They did sound spot on for being out of the game forever. Zach being hobbled did cut the energy a little. If not for that it would have been the best live band Id ever seen. Rage was one of my bucket list bands and with rock stars' abilities to die suddenly I stopped caring about ticket prices for bands Ive always wanted to see. Not paying 1500 bucks for a front row seat or anything but I didnt mind paying 250 for floor tickets. Pearl Jam is my last big white whale band Ive never seen live. Im going to Nashville to see them (and may just hit up the Bourbon Festival they are playing the next night in Louisville).