We never went to tracks and hung around that trailer trash. We did look down our noses at people with strictly bushbuster hand guards. Twice as useless.
Jesus dude, guess the only way you could be doing worse would to be in a wheelchair or six feet under.
No broken bones that I'm aware of, but I've probably broken a metatarsal in my foot given the big knot on top of one of the bones in my left foot. I had a high pain tolerance as a kid so who knows? I've only gotten stitches once. I was about 12 changing a belt on a combine. I was standing on the header (the rotating bit) and went to step down and slipped in some grease. I landed on my feet and on the ground. Nothing seemed amiss until my sock felt wet. I looked down and I could see the tibula in my right leg. 300 stitches later, I was as good as new. A 1/4 inch piece of metal came about 1.5 inches from going completely through my leg. That was an interesting experience. The next morning when I woke up, I stepped out of bed and promptly fell over from the pain. I learned to stretch carefully for about 3 months. Pulling the non-disolving stitches out of your leg kinda sucks.
Only broken bone that I know of for certain is a broken arm when I was a little kid. Though I've a shit ton of other injuries, muscle tears, cartilage and ligaments that sometimes makes me wish I just broke a bone.
I made it to 35 before I broke a bone. I was walking in a campground on Labor Day last year and I moved to the side of the gravel road to get out of their way, thinking to myself at the time "be careful that's a hell of a drop into that ditch." I stepped on a rock wrong and fell into said ditch. Do not recommend, both the broken bone itself (fairly minor, I was in a boot for about six weeks) or the fact that it's such a stupid story to tell about breaking your bone as an adult. At least it wasn't my hip, I guess.