Writing my representatives now, to express my displeasure with their views and the course on which they've set our state in regards to wacking off material.
For this type of correspondence I'm always confused whether it's "for fucks sake" or "for fuck's sake". Is the 'fuck' possessive in this case or not?
It’s possessive but usually regards all the fucks so it’s “for fucks’ sakes” since it’s usually a topic you concerned about it should cover all the fucks.
While they don’t spell out any details, I can’t help but imagine how it went down, and it makes me laugh. https://london.ctvnews.ca/cyclists-...ved-in-middlesex-county-disturbance-1.6485351
I love the detail about him chasing the teenagers with a stick. It reads like a deadpan comedy sketch.
Did you see the damage to his car that they did? It's totalled. No wonder he chased them down with a tractor and beat them with a stick.
Nope. Went back, had to watch the video to get a good look at the damage. Yeah, I'd be pissed too, but probably too concerned about bodily harm from the miscreants to square up with them. They fucked that car up good. All body panels are dented in, all windows destroyed. I recall the feeling of impotent rage I felt as I witnessed a middle schooler litter ony lawn as they walked home from school, then ignored me as yelled from the window to pick it up. This guy saw red.
I think it's kind of crazy that he's coming off with a couple of charges on this one. He could have been fertilizing his fields with their misbegotten bodies.
Gf got me to go to Tab Benoit show last night. God. Damn. I love blues, and he's one of the best still doing it. Absolutely killed us, it was a phenomenal show. His stuff on YouTube is a hint. The difference between his talent and skill and the opener was a canyon and the opener was no slouch. First live show in 4 years, and it was a doozy. The only other folks I'd want to see are Beth Hart and Chris Stapleton.
This publication is almost a year old, so y'all probably already knew this. I did not, and thought I would share it here, because it's interesting. https://hub.jhu.edu/2022/08/16/the-best-posture-to-take-a-pill/
I have seen him live a few times, the man can flat do it. A lot of fun live, glad you guys got to catch his show.