It’s a “virtual world” marketing and business hype thing right now. Think ready player one. Shared/communal 3d internet experience and interaction.
Metaverse is about fucking a cat avatar of a 30 something dude in a virtual world. That's basically what VR is being used for at the moment. It also tries to tie in NFT's and blockchain to create a new digital interactive "something". It could also be the start of Skynet.
Or Facebook has had one PR disaster after another and needed a distraction for the public. The more social media evolves, the less I want to do with it. The only one that I actually use in any way is LinkedIn, and even that one sucks. It’s nothing but virtue signaling for the workspace. This popped up on my feed not too long ago: Spoiler Thousands of posts of people sending their hallow congratulations. I wouldn’t be able to stop laughing if I had to be in Zoom calls with someone like that.
More likely they're acknowledging that Facebook itself is an ever decreasing part of their business while also being the most toxic brand that they own. Linkedin serves no purpose other than as a lead generator for recruiters. People who try to actively engage with it are even worse, since they are apparently peacocking in an attempt to attract the attention of the recruiters who are going to cold call everyone in their search result anyway.
I found it an easy way to keep track of past clients and co-workers, and it's come in handy a fair bit. For instance, when a dev on a client job comes up as looking for work, if I remember him as being good, I'll try to get him hired. That kind of thing.
this whole thing is already a joke. I love some of the technology for gaming, even though I'm not personally into it. But the whole "it's like the SIMS, but it's YOU!!!" can fuck right off. No one who's doing anything substantive has any time for that crap lol
Don't think I've ever seen the movie. But yeah, I think it's going to be a case of everyone wants to get in on the latest tech... corporate FOMO... and everyone's going to race to find a really legit use for it, and then build that out. Until then, there's going to be a lot of shit that makes no sense. And the real fight will be against corporate greed... none of them truly want a multiverse where everyone shares everything... they all want to control and run and own the ecosystem. To that end, I think Facebook/Meta is trying to get the jump on everyone else by throwing a shit-ton of people at the problem and creating a huge platform that will be easier for everyone else to pay to play in rather than build themselves. If everyone runs off and builds their own, then the concept of the multiverse has failed. We'll see. Success or failure, I just know that I get to have some fun for the next couple of years fucking around with some new tech without having to deal with external clients for the first time in decades.
I saw a post on Reddit that it explained it as Facebook wanting to build what the bad guys wanted in Ready Player One, and I think description that pretty much nailed it.
Still one of the hottest non nude sex scenes in film. Because it was the mid 90s and because it was Micheal Crichton they had to have the VR techno thriller scene thrown in. Probably one of the cheesiest suspense sequences in film.
LinkedIn is like Twitter. You get out of it what you put into it. If you follow a bunch of vapid attention whores, then you're get shit like what Juice posted. If you take care with who you link with or follow, the apps are a useful tool. LinkedIn, I find good to maintain contacts with people I've worked with for information and like Nett, if it's someone I've worked with in the past and looking for work, I'll help out if I can. I use Twitter as a news source, I don't follow celebs or "influencers" and it works well to find quick info on events and updates.
Douglas screaming in fear at a cardboard cutout was truly incredible. That guy got ALL the sex scenes back then, always with disturbed hot women. And also Glenn Close who was not the latter in the least.
Isn't Michael Douglas the one who got throat cancer from eating a ridiculous amount of pussy? This explains a lot.