My brother got me a 30 dollar one and it browns the bottom a tad but works great. My older brother brought one of those 300 dollar ones back from China. I do enjoy how you can keep rice warm for a week in it.
Had my second sleep clinic trial last night. Didn't sleep worth shit, but it seems that some trial and error kind of dialed in what my CPAP prescription should be, give or take... after trying 4 different masks, etc. Now i get to wait for some doctor to call me and tell me I'm allowed to go spend stupid money on a medical grade leaf blower that I attach to my face. Oh joy. That being said, I slept on my back for the first time in over 30 years, for about 5 hours. I'm skeptical that shit might work out after all and I'll be able to get some sleep in my old age.
I have my follow up to my test. A telemedicine call. I expect them to suggest a cpap offer little details and sail by my insomnia again. I’m just hoping the cpap just makes the sleep I do get restful enough I’m not a walking zombie anymore.
A couple friends have a CPAP and that's one of the reasons they don't use it. They cant sleep on their back, or they feel trapped by it, get tangled up in it, etc
Yeah, that was the first night in over 30 years I felt comfortable sleeping on my back. Normally I'd start to fall asleep and then my throat would collapse on itself and I'd wake up with an adrenaline shot. The CPAP they had me hooked up to last night prevented that. The technician spent all night adjusting settings and trying different masks to get the setting right so that he could see how well I was sleeping under what pressures, etc. I'm cautiously optimistic.
Says you. I was told by the doc and technician that they want me to sleep on my back with it. Who the fuck knows. Maybe they just want the testing done on my back to set it up for the "worst case" scenario. I have no clue.
Mine said, no sleeping on your back. And when the wife says i do sleep on my back, it is usually the days i feel like shit the next.
I have no clue dude... I do know that the cpap was set up so that I could sleep on my back comfortably. I also have problems sleeping on my side, as my shoulders/back get cramped and painful.
My husband got a CPAP via telemedicine end of last year and to say it has been a game changer would be vastly under selling it. We have been married for 13 years and were at the point of sleeping in separate rooms and dreading travel when we would have to sleep in the same room. I am generally a good sleeper who needs a lot of sleep, which means I became a mean and angry bitch, and he had never gotten quality sleep in his life, which means he was a lazy sloth. Part of why we are actually still married is we don't have kids, lord only knows how our coping strategies of napping/drinking too much/sleeping in all the time would have played out. He is a DIFFERENT PERSON. No naps. Gets up at 7am before his alarm clock. Tons of energy. Remembers things better and executes more reliably. He got the nose-blower only version, which for his anatomy does the trick, but I understand some people need the whole nose and mouth shebang. He can sleep on his back a lot of the time, but if he has a cold or allergies the extra congestion means he has to switch to side. I want to emphasize: my husband is and has always been a healthy weight, and has worked out multiple times a week for years. If your spouse tells you you snore, and you think, meh, I'm healthy, it's fine, please for the love of all that is holy get a sleep study/see a doc. I will evangelize the fuck out of this all day every day.
I think I posted that I completed a home study. My pulmonologist told me that the next step used to be an in lab sleep study. They now have automated CPAP machines that can adjust pressures and record all kinds of data. I’m waiting for that to arrive, then will spend 4 months on that, after which they’ll use that data to determine the ideal pressure and issue me a standard machine. We had our camping trip this weekend, and between sleeping in the tent, the sleep apnea, torrential thunderstorms, a 3 hour screaming fest by an Asian family at the campground and “old”, I’m a zombie. I’m so damn tired I can’t even sleep right now. I can’t wait to drive to Brooklyn tomorrow. That machine can’t come fast enough.
Every time I read about CPAP and how much trouble they have getting people to wear the masks, I wonder why they can't build a pressurized tent that you sleep in. Apparently the patent for it exists: Someone needs to get on it and actually build the thing.
I can't believe they haven't figured out anything surgically outside of implanting a pacemaker like device in your chest with a wire stimulator going through your neck. I hear the mouth guard that shifts the jaw is a pain in the neck, literally.
Maybe I should have clarified. I've never made rice from scooping some out of a bag and cooking it. I've done the 'empty contents of box into pan, add seasoning packet, add exactly this much water and cook for this much time' style of rice. And cooking is a team effort in this house
Then for all intents and purposes you have because aside from the seasoning pack and container that’s all rice cooking is.
I like how the primary differentiation "from scratch" appears to be, "was the rice pre-measured in a box, or did you have to measure it yourself?" Which, for rice, is probably fair. From here on I will refer to all rice as "from scratch" as long as I had to use a measuring cup.
Maybe I should give rice another shot. Mentally I associate rice with Rice-a-Roni since that was almost my entire exposure to it as a kid outside of the side orders from Chinese takeout.
Guess what I'm saying is, if you gave me a 5lb bag of rice and said "Make one serving of rice" I'd have no idea how much rice to put in the pan, how much water and for how long. And yes, I don't think pouring contents from a box into a pan, adding water and following directions is "from scratch" Just as I don't think buying a square of Nestle chocolate chip cookies and putting them on a sheet pan is making cookies "from scratch" versus getting the mixer out, measuring flour, sugar, eggs, butter, baking soda, baking powder, chips etc
Generally speaking, rice measurements are 2:1 water to rice. 1 cup of rice should require 2 cups of water. You can up your game by using chicken stock instead of water. If not using a rice cooker, do not take off the lid to your pan to check on it. Just trust the process.
Any bag or box of rice I’ve ever bought has basic cooking instructions on it. Use chicken stock or just toss in a chicken bouillon cube while you’re boiling the water. A pinch of your favorite spice, maybe some butter, and you’re good to go.