which drives (no pun intended) me crazy when people refer to hunters as unethical. Hunters are some of the most ethical people I know. I’ve never met someone who harvested a game animal and thought “yee haw!!” about taking a life. hell I stopped deer hunting because I felt it was too easy to look through a scope and pull the trigger. I’ll get back into it when my boys are older, but it won’t be like I used to do it, and it certainly won’t be horn hunting.
Spoiler Ignore the Communist Manifesto for a second (read Das Kapital, you poser), is she wearing a fucking still-suit? Is this some elaborate guerrilla marketing campaign for the upcoming Dune release?
I think part of the problem is the parts of hunting that are highly visible. Nobody notices when a random guy buys a permit, responsibly shoots one deer and turns it into venison. Some famous dickhead goes out and takes part in a "big game hunt" in Africa (which, while they bring money into the local economies, isn't really hunting), and that makes the news. It makes the news when stupid legislators catering to local cattle owners say that they're going to let the barely-recovered wolves around Yellowstone be hunted again. And for better or worse, it makes the news when certain types of people use hunting as the reason why gun control laws hurt Baby Jesus. That said, I think we all self-select, to some extent, the people around us, and there are unethical and irresponsible hunters everywhere, just like every other facet of humanity.
And then you get the weird shit like "it's totally legal for me to unleash a pack of dogs miles beyond my control to storm through your property and tree a bear or maul a smaller animal to death."
So, Bezos is launching Captain Kirk into space. Shatner is 90. Can you imagine the PR shit show if he dies on the flight? I wonder how many g’s he’ll be pulling on lift off? Can you imagine being a nerd on the team responsible for killing Kirk?
Watched the new Dave Chappelle special in the gym this morning.....yeesh. The ending is kind of a tear jerker. Dude is the GOAT, but this one really struggled to leave you feeling tickled.
He’s 90. Going to sleep could kill him. If he WAS to die I would hold him responsible for agreeing to something this idiotic.
No, that was Christa McCauliffe. And that one ended far worse than Shatner’s imaginary death EVER could.
Well, if he were to go out, going into space (if they're actually making it that high this time) seems appropriate. Better than drowning in a pool or something.
Space shuttle was 3g's during liftoff and reentry. This article from last year interviews astronauts that rode on the Falcon 9. They said it was a rougher ride than the shuttle, but it sounds like it never exceeded 3g. I'd guess Bezos' dong rocket is similar in G force
After that escalator kick video a few weeks ago How about when a woman is pushed into a moving subway train? https://twitter.com/PIX11News/status/1445157235370438657?s=20 If that bitch had been a split second sooner, she'd have pushed her in front of the train onto the tracks and killed her, instead of just wounding her by pushing her into the train. I hope they catch her and charge her with attempted murder, or whatever is the biggest crime they can charge her for. I can't believe the dude in the shorts didn't tackle her, though. I know people are caught off guard, or not sure if somebody's got a weapon, but man it seems like somebody that saw it would've stopped her.
Every month, Google emails me the analytics report for this site, and I'm reminded that, by far the most clicked-on thread that pops up in the Google search results is this lovely little number from 2010: https://www.theidiotboard.com/threads/sweet-anal-eww-does-it-does-it-always-smell-this-bad.927/ Just in case anyone else wanted to see what the vast majority of Google searchers think our discussions are like.