Nurse told me everyone is different. Ive read people say it took 3 months to feel the benefits. My brother said the next day he felt it. He is one of those people that you can hear snore, stop breathing, and gasp for air throughout the house when he's asleep.
Yeah, I repped him that my dad noticed a huge difference the next day, but then continued to improve for a month. But that first night he got his first real deep sleep in years, and he woke up refreshed and with energy. I'm hoping I'm going to be the same, as right now I'm waking up every 15-20 minutes according to the sleep clinic... constant state of fatigue.
I wish you the best. I think i might make a doc appointment to get retested. Don't feel as good as i used to.
I didn’t wanna be the one to say it, but “Weekend Drunk Threads” consisting of risotto and CPAP talk is a pretty sure sign we’re no longer spring chickens.
BTW, these tomahawk pork chops I just got look fucking amazing... going to bbq up a few tomorrow night for dinner. Never even knew they were a thing.
More info for those that aren't aware, as I wasn't:
In a similar fashion to you when I had my sleep study done they sat me down and told me I was going to die in my sleep if I didn’t figure this out now. May the time I thought I just hated sleep. I’d sleep for 3-5 hours per night and just pound caffeine and nicotine all day. The first night I slept with the cpap I woke up feeling amazing. I don’t even know how to describe it. That was probably 12 years ago. Now I can’t sleep without it. Like I feel myself starting to choke to death and can’t sleep. I love it lots.
I've had them before at a restaurant, but they were prepared with the meat still on. The pre-cooked cut looked more like this:
Try brining them for 3 days and then smoking them. I've been trying to replicate the smoke pork chops at Perry's Steakhouse for years and I am pretty close. That's obviously the restaurant's, but thats the goal.
And I know you're all Jonesing for your WDT CPAP update: 9 hours, 20 minutes of constant use last night. Less than 1 event per hour. Woke up without having night sweats or a headache this morning. Probably meant my O2 sat didn't get below 80 like it used to. All in all, Day (night?) 1 and it was a huge success. Woke up rested. Feel like I still have a bit of a backlog to make up for and I'll feel better over time, but I'm just happy to know that there's none of this "might take a few nights to get used to it" break in period for me.
A version of this: The only variation I made was adding some cayenne and garlic. The brown sugar is the key so it caramelizes during the smoke.
I got to witness some of the most glorious neighborhood drama imaginable. We've been collecting money for several years to have our road rebuilt. It's private, so DOT doesn't touch it. It started with this one useless dickbag that was handling the funds and getting estimates. About the whole neighborhood told him to fuck off after a while and hand everything over to another guy, a guy that actually had construction experience. They just finished yesterday and the road is great. About halfway thru the work, when the road was well torn up, the useless dickbag tried to set up the construction company to get fined and work shut down. He told the guys they could fill the water truck at our boat ramp, which he really didn't have the right to do. Then called the Corp of engineers and ratted them out. Then posted it on the neighborhood page about the joke being on all of us. However, this isn't the construction company's first rodeo. They had the proper permits to draw water from the lake. They even scraped our ramp so that it was in better shape than before, no harm there. Now everyone knows, without a doubt, what an asshole he is. He deleted his post about two days too late. I got screenshots. I'm thinking of posting a #neverforget post every August to remind everyone what he did.
Bet that felt great. Think it took me longer to get used to it because i was mild to moderate, i was only stopping breathing 20 times a hour.
Interesting... I use a very similar recipe, but use this hot honey. Really spices things up a bit (similar to you adding cayenne).
So you're using a CPAP machine to get a better sleep and your just testing it by turbo charging your bowels with extra chilli. Not sure I'd want to be be between your bed and your toilet if you get a full nights sleep, might be a bit of an urgent run(pun intended) in the morning.