You know what? I probably should have just shot the owlets as soon as she brought them in. You ever been scratched or bitten by an owlette? I have. What was I thinking? These things are a real threat to my family. While I'm on the subject of threatening animals, turtles and tortoises can bite, so I pledge to run over every tortoise I see crossing the road, just as a public service.
GUYS. STAAAAAHP. We all know the owlettes need to get bigger so they can fit on the rotisserie better.
Changing the subject...another cool old house at a cheap price. I have a question, can anyone explain why the pieces are above the pillars in my second picture? Someone must have placed them there for a reason, but for the life of me I can't figure out why.
That makes more sense than anything I've been able to come up with. The next question would be what the hell is with the hole on the right side of the picture? Maybe it's a drain? Or the entrance to the lair of a rat king?
The same thought crossed my mind, but a weep hole going into the guts of the house kind of defeats the purpose.
Can’t really tell from the picture but that patio thing could have been an add on. It looks really high for a weep hole, but depending on how old the house is, maybe they were built differently back then. or it’s just a hole where a little piece of brick fell out
Oh dear, that brick house is only about 85 miles from my place in MO. It's a good thing I know the limitations on how ambitious I am regarding restoring a house. I'm currently drunk and at the moment not even a twitch to hit the link to contact the agent to buy it. Maybe I'm finally growing up or something. It would still be cool as hell to probably has a ghost too.
You can hit three separate churches with a rock from the porch. They have to have dealt with the ghost situation by now.
That made me laugh. Perhaps I should contact the agent, should I refer to it as a brick what the fuck glory hole?
I brought it up on street view too. The ability to throw rocks at three separate churches from my front porch is hardly convincing me not to buy it.