When camping, we usually go with the heavy duty percolator... a monster 20 cup job. It makes rocket fuel. Can't say it's the best tasting coffee ever, but man does it get the job done.
Peet’s coffee kcups ftw. There’s been some issues with coffee shortages down here so we’re sitting on a few hundred of them currently
Savannah for this one. We basically did a COVID wedding (only people who were the were immediate family members & witnesses, maybe 12 people total), then we’ll do a renewal of the vows sometime in late 2022/early 2023 when everything is more or less back to normal and we can invite more people.
I'm assuming it's a stovetop version? I was looking at the electric ones. I wonder if the more consistent temps in the electric make better coffee. The movement of fluids in a percolator is a little different compared to a moka pot, but I'm betting they taste kind of similar.
It was a monster 20 cup campfire grill version from Coleman that I inherited from my dad. Probably made with asbestos or something. Yeah, it was coffee you could chew, tasted better with a pinch of salt in it, and kept you regular after a day of eating beef jerky and drinking beer, without a salad in sight. But rule was, first one up got the fire going and put on the pot of coffee, and you could smell that thing for a hundred yards. Some of the strongest memories I have camping are smelling coffee while waking up in a tent. You knew it was REALLY time to get up when you smelled/heard the bacon being cooked... if you didn't get up, you wouldn't get any.
"There was a CATFISH in the percolator!" In other news, the owlettes' parents have found them We have been keeping them in our unused upstairs bathroom, with the screened window open. Apparently, the parents heard them, so we have removed the screen, and now the mother has been coming in to feed them: we found some dead lizard pieces in the sink today. Oh, and it turns out that they are Western Screech Owls, not Pygmy Owls.
It’s been a few years since I’ve been camping and had fresh perc’d (perked?) coffee. I’ve thought about getting an old school coffee pot instead of the Keurig, but then I drink 2 cups, max, so not sure it’s worth it.
That bathroom has been "given up" for awhile; it's where Jungle Julia had been raising some of our new chicks and goslings over the last few months. She only uses the upstairs bedroom for her online business. It doesn't impact us negatively in any way. We just want to see the owlets survive.
Here's the mother(?) owl on the pecan tree outside the window. Spoiler This type of owl generally stays in the same territory for all of its life, so if these owlets make it, we can look forward to seeing them around for years to come.