That sucks, man. I obviously don’t know what you read, but perhaps it was just a fleeting feeling he was having at the time and not the full scope of his perspective of you? Either way, that must have cut deep, though.
Well damn. I googled middle child birth order stuff just to see what "they" say and....uh... They might be onto something. I also took one of those personality tests recently because I was trying to understand something about myself/interactions with another. I got INFP-A. It's interesting to try to step back and look at yourself objectively.
Sounds like he had a shit ton of issues, and transferred them in your direction. Sounds like he didn't get that kids are works in progress, and so railed on you. Sorry to hear it. At least he sounds like he wasn't such an asshole that he made it known to you at the time. In a way, that makes it harder to hear, but at least it didn't scar you as a kid.
My god. 5 girls. There must have been a period of like 6 years where there wasn’t an available bathroom in the house. Oh, I was the subject of many, many, many entries. I wasn’t even a bad kid or anything, he had just a general distaste of me. Although a couple were hilariously WTF is he on about. One he thought I was being a shit for telling my grandmother that she couldn’t make a left turn out of a parking garage because of all the signs saying ”no left turns” because it was a dangerous turn and me being scared because she made the left turn anyway. My grandma was a horrible driver. She drove through two of those parking gates that they have after you pay the attendant. At the same parking lot. In less than six months. Just plowed straight past the booth and through the gate. Twice.
Well, we were spaced out significantly. 20 years difference between #1 and #6. But yes, the one bathroom we shared was usually busy, and hot water was scarce. I'm sorry you read his diary. It sounds like he hid it from you well, and tried to nurture you, if you thought of him as a father figure. The diary may have been his only outlet for frustration. Kind of like his therapist who he vents to. It doesn't make it any easier on you.
I'm making some more chard soup at the request of my MiL and we are drinking mimosas. We be all fancy and shit.
I’m grilling some chicken, the wife is making some broccoli or some shit, and corn on the cob. I’ve got Leinenkugel’s summer shandy.
My wife and sister have now split 3 bottles of Lamarca prosecco between them. my wife normally drinks MAYBE a bottle over the course of a week. tomorrow should be fun for her
Today my BIL did his yearly bikeride for MS, so I went out to support. Me and the puppy took off at 6am to meet them at 7am for the ride... him and his 2 buddies ended up doing 20 laps, for 80km and 1km elevation climb overall. Meanwhile, Zoe did an amazing job being around tons of people and bikes... I am super happy with how she is socializing with people. She did sleep through our fox encounter, though... that was probably for the best, as it could have been interesting...
The wife and I went to a AA minor league game tonight (Yankees), stopped off for a drink, picked up my daughter from a party, now I’m having some Red Bull and vodka and watching Netflix. All in all, a good night.
My paternal grandmother was never really the loving, doting sort of grandmother. Well, except for two of my cousins. I once overheard my parents quoting something she said to the effect of, "They're my grandchildren, I have to love them but I don't have to like them." Although I don't know that she was referring to my brothers and I, that stuck with me and kinda confirmed what I already suspected. I also recall my Dad saying how she was flipping out after 9/11 because one of her two favorite grandkids is in the Navy and would be going off to war. Meanwhile, I was actually at Ground Zero, in the shadow of half destroyed buildings, and she could only worry about the one still thousands of miles away on a ship. By that point in my adult life, I didn't really give a shit, to be honest. I mean yeah, it bugged me a little, but by then I'd learned to shrug it off. She wasn't a bitch, we just weren't close, and, oh well. Though I'd made my peace with it, I also know it was a shitty situation too. All we can do is be better parents and grandparents I guess.
Fucking GROSS. I bought a 12'er of those a few years back, tried one and the rest stayed in the fridge. Few months later I was invited to a BBQ so I figured it'd be a great way to get rid of them. At the end of the night, the host and I got into a what seemed like a poorly written sitcom bit about taking the beers with me. Don't forget your beers. No worries, they're for the party. Party is ending so here, I'll you pack them up. No, no, really. It's no big deal. Keep them here for the next party. Characteristics of a Middle Child Rebellious. They're also less religious than their siblings and parents. Still, they're less likely to act out against their parents. - Check Sociable. They're good at being mediators and want fairness in situations. They're also trustworthy friends and work well as team members. - Check Not as family-oriented as their siblings. They may have a stronger sense of not belonging than their siblings do. So, even though many can be great when working in groups, some middle children can struggle when working with others. - Eh, not really. Feeling overshadowed. They come to believe that their parents don’t care about them. Looking back as adults, they express a negative view of childhood. - I was a JW, so childhood sucked regardless. Mobile. They're often the first sibling to move out of the house. They’re also more likely to move the farthest away. - Moved out at 17. Youngest sibling moved the farthest though. Not perfectionists. - I'm a solid 90%-er and then it's good enough. Youngest sibling would the perfectionist out of our group.
If we are comparing mean grandparents I never met my grandmother on my mom's side because she was an emotionally and physically abusive towards my mom and her sisters. Alcoholic. My mom was actually would have been the middle child of the five (four girls and one boy). Apparently doted on her son, my uncle Ive also never met because he stayed close with her, and my youngest aunt (who was the baby). Gave away one of my aunts to family for a few years because she couldnt handle raising all of them at once. Used to whip my mom and take her to the bar to show off the bruises. My mom cut out her youngest sister for reconnecting with my grandmother before she died. The four sisters had all kind of agreed to be estranged from her up until then and my mom wasn't having it when she found out. My other grandma was the 50s tv sitcom style. Loving, baking apple based desserts constantly, neurotic about our safety.
Meh. I like them. They’re not my favorite beer, but I’ll get them sometimes. It’s what I have now. IPAs are gross. I enjoy when the local breweries make a good Kolsch or Lager.
I was against IPA's for the longest time but there are quite a few local breweries that make some good ones. Problem is that they're so damn strong. 4-pack of 16 ounces cans will have you forgetting what happened that night.
I never met my maternal grandmother (alcoholic/schizophrenic) because she died long before I was born, but my mom had a stepmother who was 4'11'' and 90 lbs of evil. Clearly my grandfather made great choices. More memorable events include my step grandmother chasing my grandfather around the house with a knife and punching my mom in the face. Her kids were also terrible and useless. As much as they didn't like her and refused to help deal with end of life stuff, they had lots of demands about what they were owed after she died. On the bright side, I got to raid her closets after she went into assisted living and got lots of really wacky costume pieces since she was the size of a 10 year old and had been buying more clothes than she could possibly wear since 1968, and then never getting rid of any of them. My paternal grandmother was allergic to feelings but showed us lots of love with food, most notably potato soup and chocolate chip cookies. She also taught me how to do crossword puzzles and play bridge, mostly while I sat on her lap and she smoked Virginia Slims.