That's some weak-ass drunk posting. You should take notes from Jennitalia and Abneretta who would update the boobie thread when they got drunk. RIP
I'm pretty sure those are gas well-heads. We've got them down here, too, but not in such a high concentration.
I believe you’re right. They certainly look like wellheads when you zoom in, and that one picture shows way too many of them for it to be ammunition bunkers. Probably.
Look at Mr. Big Brain here... cross referencing shit. That being said, I'm somewhat amazed that there would even be street views for that stuff.
That is almost hard for me to comprehend. I could hop in my car, drive for 1.5 hours and see nothing but oil derricks. Dumb question, but are they still pumping? Or did Biden "turn them off"?
We have some close to us here, snd most people who live here have no idea. Go west of Nett and I about 45 minutes or so and you’ll run into the towns of Petrolia and Oil City. There isn’t much now, but there are still a few functioning pumps.
It's not uncommon, especially in Texas. It's a huge state, almost half the size of Alaska. That's right by a state highway, and there are parts where they're on both sides of the road. I remember driving to little ol' Elk City, Oklahoma in the early 90's and there was a functioning beam pump right in downtown.
Google street view is crazy. You can zoom in on all kinds of places all over the world. Sometimes I like to check out how fucked up some places would be to live. I mean, check out this shit hole in some 3rd world country. Just kidding, this is Los Angeles
Like 12 years ago, there was an article about how Google allows to claim your house and blur it in street view. I did. It's still blurred out today.
I've seen that but you can go to regular satellite image and then Shift and tilt the angle and see it.
I had to use google street view to prove to a county engineering department that, when a road was widened and had sidewalks put on each side, that the power poles were never moved. They just paved around them. Yeah, you read that right. It was in a ghetto, so nobody cared about fixing it. It was glorious. I didn't have to leave my desk and drive a two hour round trip to tale pictures. I'm going to try to remember where it was, somewhere in Eden, NC, a real shithole.
“Gold Diamonds Grillz” is pure comedy to me right now, yet also biting social commentary. I am however juiced to the gills on meth precursor sudafed, so take any posts with a grain of salt.
I don’t have any clue who Samantha Brown is, but I live in the Hill Country and I still wouldn’t hesitate to say yes. Except the part that includes Austin — unless you like weird smells, hippies, and traffic, then avoid that. Otherwise it’s beautiful.