I don’t really come down on either side. She’s got a bald head that she shaved herself. I just found out from this that she has been going bald, even though she announced it on her social media back in December and said “all I can do is laugh about it.” Maybe Chris Rock doesn’t follow her posts and just made an off-hand joke. Maybe Will Smith could have gone up after the segment and chewed him out. That’s why earlier I posted it from both perspectives. Asshole actor, or asshole comedian. I mean technically, Will Smith could be charged with assault. Not that I think Chris Rock would press charges. Just let that shit go, you took it well and got through it. I would’ve been crying like a little bitch.
That’s what I saw. And there’s more news coming out. After hearing about what happened, his mom got scared, and said he’s movin’ in with his auntie and uncle in Bel Air.
Chris Rock doesn't read fucking Jada Smith's Instagram. He doesn't know she's got a condition. He's a stand-up comedian. He made a joke. It turned out to be in bad taste. And, Will Smith assaulted him. And the Academy not only didn't have security escort him out, they celebrated him the rest of the night. Jada can't defend herself? I thought she was a powerful woman. And she needs a man to come to her aid like backing down a bully on prom night or something? Amy Shumer made a joke about Kirsten Dunst being just a seat filler. I guess Jesse Plemons should have punched her?
They were too busy patting themselves on the back for having a Gospel Choir Jesus solo upstage the tribute moment while all the dead people faces played in the background.
I saw the meme before I knew what happened and didn’t know what it was about. Will Smith seems like he’s completely lost his mind over the last couple years. Between this and his wife just randomly fucking other dudes behind his back, that seems like a nightmare of a marriage. She’s been voluntarily bald for what, a decade? And unless Chris Rock is supposed to memorize the medical background of everyone he jokes about, Will Smith is a colossal douchebag. That definitely did not warrant walking on stage to smack him. He could have just pulled out his phone and started tweeting like any other entitled dickhead in Hollywood.
Let's all talk about dumb shit celebrities did that has no impact on our lives! Yay! Fuck the Oscar's, fuck Will Smith, and fuck everything I learned about his personal life against my will. I will say the funniest thing is someone referencing Chris Rocks 2009 documentary "Good Hair".
I basically agree with Steve Hofstetter’s take on this. https://mobile.twitter.com/SteveHofstetter/status/1508291569627107334
For somebody who came up acting in comedy, Will Smith has always been a no-fun tightass constantly obsessed with keeping this clean-cut image right down to his shitty overrated rap music. If you work in the entertainment industry and still are too stupid to know that a joke’s intention is what matters, why the fuck are you in show business? It is not a comic’s job to research his on-the-fly subjects. What a stupid asshole.
And congratulations to “Coda” as being yet another Best Picture winner nobody has ever fucking heard of or seen.
It would be different if she was wearing a wig to hide it and was clearly sensitive about it, but she chose to show up to the show looking like that. I don't see how it isn't fair game at that point. Walking up to a man, slapping him, then walking away and sitting back down has got to be one of the most effeminate confrontations I can think of.
And we are now all talking about the Oscar’s for the first time in years. I think they achieved their goal
The only excuse I can think of is if she actually has cancer or something and is keeping it quiet. I can see that putting someone over the edge.
No, I remember we mentioned last year how insignificant and uninteresting they’ve become. People are sick of them. How many more years can we watch rich egomaniacs who get treated like royalty have no humility whatsoever? Joe Pesci had the only good acceptance speech ever. “Thank you, it was an honour.” Done. That’s all you need to say.
I could buy something like this if not for him busting a gut at the joke until she shot him a dirty look.