Just in case you thought all it isn't enough that all the animals in Australia want to kill you: If you touch this plant it will make you vomit in pure agony.
And in what part of the country is Tom a football coach? I'm sure he brain farted and meant something else entirely, nobody is THAT stupid (are they?) however you know that inside his head, when he said it the gears instantly slammed to a grinding and painful halt. His life just flashed, and he realized what social media is now and his life ended.He used all the chi in his aura to pinch the back the pee begging to be unleashed. You done fucked up. On national TV. The world now knows you as Tom The Child Molestor. No taking it back now, Tom. It's on YouTube for life.
You know how else you get amazing boobs, without having a parasite sucking the ever-loving life out of you for 18+ yrs? Bacon. Bacon and butter. And pizza and cheese and chips. And...well, you get the picture. It only cost me 1-2 sizes! And I can make it go away any time I want to, rather than it being a lifetime commitment. So there's my Easter tip to a happier, simpler life.
No, no honey, I got pillowy soft, not Michelin fat. I lift heavy shit at work, so you can still detect my biceps.
Ugh. I finally watched the new Mad Men. I feel like sticking my head in an oven. Unfortunately, I don't think anything makes my boobs bigger. I thought they got bigger when I was on the Pill, but nope. Rockin the same bra size since I was 13. Woot woot!
Kinda random, my friend has an entrepreneurial podcast that he has been doing for a couple years now and guess who today's guest was? Tucker Max... They talk about random stuff and his new business ventures, support my buddy Mike and take a listen! http://buff.ly/1C7ITgl
I don't know what you're talking about; they share pictures of their boobs all the time. I just guess you're not one of the cool kids.
I send out pics of my boobs all the time. At best, folks ignore me. At worst, they get really nasty with their comments and threaten me with bodily harm. Sometimes they green dot me and that really scares me.
There is also a plant in Nth Queensland that looks like this. It's called wait-a-while and the smaller ends of the plant have heaps of tiny hooks that once they get caught in your skin bury themselves. The vines hang down over roads and paths so it's real easy to get fucked up by it.