Either a D10 or a D30. So the highway through my city is closed right now, and when I came into work today one of the entrances had a drift so high that you could see it through the window in the door. That means it was at least 40" of snow. I'd say we got probably 8-10" on the flat, but holy shit did it drift. Nett, was the blower able to chew through anything last night? The first 4-6" were super wet from all the rain. Eff this weather and screw winter. I miss sunshine so much.
There's a suspicious amount of green-eyed people in here given that something like 2% of the population has green eyes. So. Are green-eyed people inherently more depraved than the rest of the population?
Haven't even started. Plan on heading out now to do just that now that the plow has come through and wrecked everyone's shit. Never mind it's garbage day, so there are cans and bags everywhere. WFH is the best.
My eyes are brown. I'm colorblind. I have no idea where they fall on that chart. Is that something I need to know?
The Green Eyed Master Race needs to know which work camp we will put you into once we enslave humanity.
Instead of looting and setting fire, they raised $10mm on GoFundMe, lol https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/convoy-fundraiser-pause-donors-1.6337375
I’m still disappointed we’ve made it this far in the thread and no one has mentioned the whereabouts of Edward Snowden. y’all slacking
D20 for me but more green green. Are we a magnet for green eyed humans? Kinda weird. Anyway, my Mom has baby blue and my Dad's are hazel.
I’m T17, husband is D37 I think and baby is currently C40 but I’m curious how much his eyes will continue to change.
I feel like this is one of those picture that if it was posted on 4chan some autist would figure out where you were in like 10 minutes.
Probably. You can read "Body Shop Office" but it's known here that's what I do. I was more worried about someone copying my eye pattern and stealing my tens of dollars.
Nice try. It was only $17.46. Also, what is with the recurring charge for ”The Friends of Mr. Hands Society”?
Does eye colour change with age? I've always said I have blue eyes and thought my father, grandfather and I were the same colour. They are decidedly on the bluey-grey side, though (like C20 or C40). I've never thought of myself as having green eyes until I was well into adulthood, so I wonder if that changed as I got older.