What if your stepmom is Mrs. Incredible, and she's stuck in a tube? https://www.facebook.com/groups/241635764040315/permalink/394015058802384/ (I don't have Facebook. I think that link will work like that - if not, you can open in new window or whatever.)
Driving to Reno to see "Ghost" tonight with my youngest son. It is the North American tour opener so that should up the excitement a bit more. The bad news, is I probably will come down with Covid tonight as Nevada is not the mosrt concerened state regarding such things.
Well if you’re having second thoughts, Patrick Swayze dies but hangs out in some weird purgatory so he can warn his fiancé about his business partner having him killed. There’s also a weird scene where he possesses Whoopie Goldberg so he can use her body to fuck his fiancé. It’s unclear if Whoopie grows a ghost penis or if they just have to scissor it out or something. There’s also a lot of awkward racial humor. 10/10.
My brother asked me if I wanted to go to the concert but that whole pesky work thing got in the way. I'm hoping they make it a little closer to Sacramento.
Two of my closest, dearest friends in the world were coincidentally expecting babies at the same time-ish. Both texted early this morning; both are in the hospital with their significant others in full-on labour. They do not know each other and certainly haven't met (one is in Luxembourg, the other in Winnipeg), yet I have arranged a baby-race with a bottle of Redbreast Whiskey to whoever wins. I enjoy the thought that they are being supportive partners, but their wives do not know that there's a vested interest in a speedy delivery.
Probably one of the better headliners of a music festival I went to a few years back. Ten times better than Disturbed who headlined the second night. We left about two songs in and went to the bars.
I saw them once on the third stage at Ozzfest when I was 15. It was fun because there first single had just blown up but really. They are a terrible band.
A lot of that NuMetal stuff aged like bread. I remember I went to see Sevendust here once, who were okay, but they had the band Dope opening for them. Holy shit dude, holy fucking shit. With all the mass shootings over the years how or why one never happened at a Dope concert I will never know.
Whoa. https://twitter.com/wonderofscience/status/1485597945567543299?t=KNkRzbfmZrQzXdQQu3ymWw&s=19 Not sure if that works - amazing octopus.
It’s amazing how things like this live on our planet yet we say aliens don’t exist. An octopus is an other-worldly, almost sci-fi creature. It’s has no central nervous system. You cut its arm off, and the arm keeps acting sentient and performing tasks like it’s supposed to. Nothing about their biology makes sense, they’re mind-blowing.
Saw a video a while ago of an octopus in one tank figure out how to open a jar with food inside while an octopus in another tank watched. They then gave it to the other octopus and it opened it immediately. Pretty crazy stuff.
I think we're in the early stages of a tremendous shift in animal consciousness. Put a different way: how long do you think it will take a good AI to "decode" some animal languages, like dolphins or whales, enabling us to "speak" to them? And we're already seeing remarkable experiments on intelligence in crows, pigs, etc. Octopi are fucking wildly fascinating, and I love that we're now able to see animal behavior in clear HD, as well as start to think of them as adept, self-aware and far more intelligent than we used to. This message brought to you by edibles, Door Dash's vegetarian options and David Attenborough documentaries.
I think anyone that says this doesn't deserve a platform from which to speak. Yet, I also think anyone that says they've been abducted and returned to Earth are full of shit. They are out there, somewhere. No, they are not taking and returning idiots from seldom traveled desert roads.
This is actually really cool, but it definitely doesn’t make me want to turn it into a joke based on past TiB discussions.
There are probably fifty thousand planets like ours with life on it in this galaxy alone. Whoever invents a warp mechanism first gets to infest and exterminate everyone else. But: Any race intelligent enough to span across things that cannot be spanned by time are not travelling this far to preform non-consensual prostate examinations on men in bib overalls. That is just something mankind needs to accept