I suck with all things technical. I wanted to reply to this that you want to raise your prices till your first customer balks. Do not leave a dollar on the table cause you need it as bad as the next person.
I'll give you a 1999 Toyota Tercel with 3 of the original tires, and 2 original quarter panels. Best and final.
Ok ok ok. I've been thinking on this topic. I am going to continue with my usual pricing with this great new customer I connected with so I don't scare her away. Then, I'll prioritize selling packs of 12 starting at $10 when I go to a market/bazaar/event. Randoms get event pricing. I used to do 18pks for $10 but that's basically the price of regular eggs now.
Good for you. Your cost of production is higher than the big egg layers, but your quality and organic stuff is way higher. Price it accordingly. Best of luck.
That’s an excellent plan. I’ve had a lot more people asking me about eggs and I just tell them flat out that I don’t, and won’t, have extras. I fell into the trap of increasing supply to meet demand once before. Only to find that suddenly the people you did that for aren’t as interested and/or they can get them cheaper at the supermarket again.
I ordered in amazing Indian and drank a bottle of wine. So... I'm going to go with "way better than yours".
I'm also making some killer baked beans. The beans have been slow cooking most of the day, and I've just added a bunch of smoked pork roast and salt pork to it. Early tastes are very, very promising. Tomorrow is going to be very flatulent, and I'm OK with that.
Winner. Close the thread. My Wednesday garage night was telling my neighbor that we're going to be moving. His reply was "Fuck!" So we had a few rum and cokes and I punched holes in his dumb pro Trump statements.
Getting ready to head to the remodel house, I walk into the bedroom and The Wifey is in tears. I'm the emotional one in the relationship so this caught me off guard. Of course I ask her what's wrong and she said that she got really sad thinking about me working on the house alone today and how Cancer Friend would've been there in a heartbeat. Which of course made me emotional so I had a nice cry with my morning coffee (mourning coffee?) and now off to wire up some can lights.
Has anyone missed me? I took an exceptionally long break, mostly because I couldn't reset my password and partly because life was sad and y'all didn't want to hear about that. But the cancer is gone, my hair grew back and my tits look fantastic. Hi!