I've said it before and I'll say it again: Austin is fucked up, y'all. https://twitter.com/channelcinco_tv...618722541569¤tTweetUser=channelcinco_tv
Try this link. Or don't watch this... shit-show. https://twitter.com/channelcinco_tv/status/1673044618722541569/
this is why I want to do the austin marathon. The course itself is super hilly and it sucks. But the people watching.... holy shit. Yeah that's something I'll suffer for.
What the actual fu… I’m gonna need some context here. What the hell precipitated that? Only slightly less disgusting is the crowd response.
There's something adorable about the fact that you still have a high enough estimation of Texas that you're capable of being shocked by this.
I would say on par for the crowd. My guess is either drugs or mental break. So maybe the crowds response is worse.
My guess is that she's rolling balls on ecstasy, and she thinks that the horse shit feels really good on her skin.
Just a cheap MOTO g power, that's 2.5 years old. Case is just a generic one off of Amazon. So far so good. I'm still using it, and it did what I needed it to do today. If it craps out now, I'll get a new one.
This video just feels like downtown late night post Mardi Gras parade, if anywhere in Texas celebrated Mardi Gras. I think my fucked up meter is broken because I was not shocked and only a little disgusted. I'll throw my vote towards that.