I don’t ascribe ignorant behavior to any particular state over another. Even here in ultra-progressive “we’re trying to compete with California” New York, stupid shit like this could, and does, happen frequently.
It's like James Carville said "Pennsylvania is Pittsburgh in the west, Philadelphia in the east, with Alabama in between". Any major blue state has the fortresses of blue surrounded by oceans of red. Illinois is no different. You have around 2.7 million people in Chicago and the reddest of rednecks down south. A good buddy of mine has family down south in Illinois and always talks about how it rivals anywhere in the southern US.
You have heard 100% correctly. Especially here in our region. I call it "The Deep South of the Northeast."
i honestly thought you’d made some grammatical error and were talking about a section of perverts called “the shit people”
I fell down the fucking stairs again today, while carrying the dog. I will not live to retirement age in this house. I'm either dying on the stairs or we are moving to a 1 story.
Be careful. My coworkers wife slipped on a dog toy 2 years ago on the stairs, has w bulged disks and is in constant pain. They hope sometime this fall for surgery.
I'm really trying man. I've got a fucked back from years ago that is mostly okay if I am smart about how I work. Just sometimes my brain farts out and I forget I'm on the stairs, or I miss the last step or two. I missed the last couple today, landed on my knees, then kind of second hit on my back (the dog was okay!). I think no more socks on the stairs. We have that slick lvp flooring and they get slippery with any dust which has caused problems too.
Don't worry, you will be called soon enough. We all were supposed to write our names down to get drawn in the Idiot Board Injury Lotto, but just about everybody wrote your name down.
There isn’t a cloud in the sky right now, and the air quality is so fucked that you can go outside and stare at the sun like you’re looking through welding glass. Ho. Lee. Shit.
Yeah... no kidding. Dropped the dog off at daycare at 7am and stopped to take a pic as I was leaving. The pic doesn't do the smoke/haze justice. Or the smell. When it started to roll in yesterday I thought something was burning in the house until I realized it was the smoke outside. It was strong enough that it was kind of like that smell you get when someone is repaving a driveway a few doors down. It's not overpowering, but you definitely can smell it. At least it's nowhere near as bad as I've lived through in BC (Kelowna) when my back yard was a forest fire and water bombers were flying overhead, on the verge of evacuation. That's the early morning sun in that pic, usually blinding as fuck on the drive home. Not today.
Wife seized the opportunity to get a new phone and give me her old one, after mine was submerged for so long. Guess which phone quit working right before we walked into Verizon. Not the old ass Moto that was under water for 10 minutes, it is still working like a champ. I also remember when these phone dealers employed people that knew what the fuck they're doing. Now it seems to be nothing but bitches with shitty attitudes and fake fingernails so long they can't even operate a touch screen. We literally had to reach across the counter and operate the phones during setup because she couldn't.
interesting experience at the doctor. Went in to get a hemangioma removed (it's basically when blood vessels get near the surface of the skin, kinda like a mole or something). They decided it was gonna be easy enough to just freeze it off rather than cut it out, then realized my insurance was HMO and that was going to be annoying with billing even though I had a referral. They said my insurance "sometimes will cover it, sometimes they won't. We bill them $250, but if you're fine paying cash, how about $75 and we'll call it even?" I've just never had a doctor be that direct about it. I mean, I understand the logistics. They gotta spend staff time getting the paperwork together and sending through insurance, hence the rate hike. It's annoying for them. And if insurance doesn't cover, then I gotta fight those idiots because I did the referral thing and have all the paperwork they need, so in the end it will be covered... but my time is worth something as well. Call it even at $75? Fuck yeah, I'm game. In and out of there in less time than it took me to drive to the office.
WOW. Right there, YOU - one of the biggest proponents of private insurance - just broke down how medical billing is bullshit. Tell me again why single-payer healthcare is bad?