New Corvettes suck. Like, they REALLY suck. Gone is any aspect of their sporty and curved uniqueness, replaced by euro supercar douchbaggery. Gay as fucking shit.
Wrong one, that’s a sexy sleek-looking sports car. It also looks like a Corvette. The one I speak of is a Lamborghini wannabe. It just takes away everything that was unique and original that made the corvette stand out on its own. I LIKE Corvettes, always have. Until now. Other great vehicles have made this mistake before. Look at the Jeep Wrangler: absolutely kicks ass, the Renegade, the YJ and TJ are classics. Then they make the Moab. An absolute laughingstock that got uniamoudly ridiculed.
I never even liked Corvettes, but they were dead to me when they got rid of the hideaway headlights. I'd rather drive an LS-swapped Caprice than a Corvette (I'm honestly toying with the idea of getting a box-Caprice or a 2-door Pontiac Bonneville and doing this, just for the hell of it).