Horsey McHorseFace is the new name of an Australian racehorse, a nod to Britain’s Boaty McBoatface
We have until next October 'cause the Man's info on me is incorrect. We can't file everything until that's fixed. Literally none of my info has changed from last year, and somehow they screwed it up. A govt agency screwed something up just by existing? Shocking. We paid the amount owed, but per TurboTax we have a while to get the info correct. I was on hold for like an hour with Social Security and hung up because ain't nobody got time for that. Fuck that nonsense. I'll wait a few days until things have (hopefully) settled down.
Why in the world they overrule it? How many ships can the general public name? The Titanic, The Exxon Valdez, uh, . . . if pushed, maybe people come up with the Mayflower, and Nina, Pinta, Santa Maria. Uh, HMS Pinafore, Monitor / Merrimack, uh, the Hunley and uh, the Lusitania? What about naming research ships? I can name one, the Calypso, which I think sunk, and if it weren't for John Denver, I probably couldn't do that. Even if it's a silly name, if it's a research ship, I would think all the publicity could only benefit.
The only boat worth mentioning is The Orca from Jaws. I'nt that right, Mista Coopuh?! In the most important news anyone will read today, a Missouri McDonald's promises to be the first to offer ALL YOU CAN EAT FRIES. The only reason to go to a McDiarrhea. Oh beautiful, for spacious skies, and amber waves of grain... *breaks into tears*
I get all-you-can-eat buffets because it lets me have the opportunity of trying a bunch of different things for one price. But all you can eat of one specific thing? That seems to be intended to cater specifically to whatever visceral part of your brain that gets triggered by the pleasurable sensation of eating something delicious and you reflexively just want to keep consuming more and more, long after the initial pleasure has subsided, until finally your stomach alerts you that you have gone too fucking far and regret is imminent.
That really doesn't sound like a sound business decision. Places with bottomless fries or endless appetizers usually run on much higher margins. And if it is a separate menu item that costs more to cover a reasonable number of refills, I have a feeling that the only people who order it would be the people planning to abuse the shit out of it.
There's a place in Carlsbad called Islands. It has all you can eat fries. I've never known a single person from the area that has gone there.When I see someplace has that I assume it sucks and that it has to do something like that to bring in people. I think my favorite restaurant of all time that I've never been to and judged only on looks, has to be Eat'n'Park. I saw one on West Virginia. I imagine its communal seating. I'd like to think the waiters come with their slop buckets and through it right in the trough and the patrons go to town.
Ninja, please. They will still make a ton. How much does a potato cost them? You can get a large fry for what, $2.25 or something? "Would you like the all you-can-eat for just $0.75 more?" Oh my, they'll go broke! Someone might eat four WHOLE Potatoes worth! A five pound bag of potatoes is about $2.50 at my cost. I'm sure the Missouri McDonald's will be just fine.
Where's the ketchup? I love how some of the hands are reaching to the middle - like, wtf is wrong with the ones right there at the edge?
Just wait until they're paying everyone $15 an hour.... "Large fries? $8.50. You want All You Can Eat for just $27 more?"
That would be a dam shame is McDonald's started costing more which could force people do eat elsewhere
Have you never bought a loaf of bread in your life? Only the shit in the centre is worth reaching for.
And yet the studies from Seattle for the last year have shown that an increase in the minimum wage did NOT result in higher prices. Go figure.
If there are 10 people working they need to make $50-$60 more dollars an hour. That's not a price increase of 3-4x. Labor cost is only a portion of what you pay for when you get food. Just out of curiosity, why does people getting paid more upset you so much?
Since the wage increase is phased in - not $15 yet - I would think that only year in, it would be impossible to demonstrate whether it's going to have positive or negative impacts. Can this question, and any answer be moved from the WDT to the serious thread?