McDonald’s quashes all-you-can-eat fries reports "The buzz is around a reported “test” of unlimited fries for customers at the pending location in St. Joseph, north of Kansas. But McDonald’s spokeswoman Lisa McComb says no such test is in the works. McComb says the 6,500-square-foot Missouri restaurant will be unique because it will allow its customers to place their orders at digial kiosks and customize their burgers and desserts. McComb said more details will be available closer to the restaurant opening" Hmmmm....ordering at digital kiosks. Now why, oh why, would they do that?
A few times when I've gotten dressed for work I pulled a shirt or pants right out of the dryer and found a stray sock in a sleeve or leg after I put them on. I will not be outraged, I will NOT be outraged.
I have a Coke Zero every day at 3:30. If the new version DOES taste more like Coke, that is fine by me. But, if this is the New Coke fail all over again, I will cut a bitch.
As someone who grew up in that area and enjoyed many a meal at that specific ENP and others, let me FTFY
It looks like from the article that it is just Coke introducing Coke Zero to the UK. Maybe they haven't had it till now? I don't think it means some new change with the stuff in the US. I can't drink Coke Zero straight because I can taste the difference, but at a soda fountain I'll do half and half with the regular stuff, and I also keep a six pack around at home for when I want a rum and coke.The flor de cana masks the slightly off taste very well.
UK already has Coke Zero. Part of the rebranding there, is because consumers didn't realize it was sugar free. In addition to the new formula, and new red circle logo continuity across brands, instead of just being called Coke Zero, it will now be called Coke Zero Sugar.
I don't mind surprises, except when they come in the form of a phone call from the doctor's office telling me they need me to come in to discuss my blood work results. I get this done annually as part of a physical, and typically they just call me and say everything's fine. Not this time. If this is just an excuse to get me in there and juggle my nuts I'm going to be pissed.
Tempted to post this in the Serious thread, but there's been a death at Paisley Park, less than a week after Prince's plane had to emergency land in IL due to a bad bout of the flu. Lord I hope its not Prince, that would suck. There have been rumblings over the years that he's HIV+ and decided to stop with meds and that would align with this story. Hope its all circumstantial however. You'd think if he was on his deathbed, he wouldn't be at the studio. EDIT: AWWWW FUCK
Unflushed urinals can tell you a lot about the people you work with. For example, someone here today is either taking a lot of vitamins or was bit by a radioactive spider.
Yep, CBS Minnesota is reporting from TMZ that Prince is dead. This is fucking bullshit. Everything sucks. I hope Prince has a mansion full of perfect doubles he hired to fool The Illuminati, and the real Prince is in a bunker designed to keep out chemtrails.
My boss is the most bizarre fucking man on the planet. He creeps out of his office and lurks over my shoulder until I turn to look at him. Then he launches into this conversation: Boss: "So... they're going to legalize marijuana. Is that a big deal for you?" Me: "Uh... I don't smoke, personally." Boss: "What about people your age. Is it a big deal for your peers?" Me: "Uh... Maybe? I don't know a lot of people who smoke.. but I guess it would be a big deal for people who are into it." Boss: "I see. Prince died." Me: "Oh, I heard that. That was a very abrupt change of topic." Boss: "Let me know if you think baby boomers would be interested in marijuana thing." Me: "I'm not a boomer. I don't know what they are interested in." Boss: "I wonder why he died." Me: "..." Boss: "Dan bought a new car. It's blue." Me: "..." Boss: "I like blue cars. I wonder if Prince drove a blue car." He then slowly turns and walks back to his office. What the fuck.
Now I'm really kicking myself for not going to see him last week in Atlanta. I was never much of a Prince fan, but he was an icon of my time, and I respected his work.