You know how I can tell you're from Texas? Because I'm the same way. The difference between you and I, though, is that I have to work in that weather, no matter what. I'd rather sweat my taint off I 100 degree weather than work in the cold. When the temperature gets below about 55, my hands get stiff and numb; I might as well be wearing welding gloves. This is not conducive to good mechanic work. Before anyone suggests it: I CANNOT WORK WITH GLOVES ON. Fuck the cold. Let's bring on that global warming.
How cold does it need to be before you strip down to your underwear, jump in a frozen lake and sprain your ankle?
I had a starter go out when it was -15 with a good wind going. The wind chill was easily -30. There were 3 bolts connecting the starter. I got 2 in and hoped that was good enough to fire off the car, just once. It was. I took it to town and paid someone to stick in the other bolt. It took hours to return feelings to my fingers. I also once changed out the exhaust donut on my '53 GMC pick up in similar conditions. That one was all on my dumb ass, I could've waited a few days but I was young and really stupid.
She can try that jump onto my penis if she likes. Below 20 degrees is my misery index for too cold for outdoor activities.
Today is voting day for our internal union positions(pres/vp/treasury/...) everybody says they are pissed off at the way things are running, tomorrow is our union meeting lets see if people actually vote the way they say they are going to.
I don't mind working outside in the cold as long as I'm doing something where I'm moving enough to stay warm. Cutting down trees and stacking logs? I'll do that all day in 10°. Replacing front brakes on a Mazda 3 when you can't really wear insulated gloves? A damn nightmare. Also, the best skiing conditions are when it's about 10°, but again, you're working up some warmth so it's not bad. Overall, I'd much rather work in the cold than in the heat. You can generally work harder and get warm, but in the heat you can only take off so many clothes and work with less intensity until you're just naked sitting in your yard.
After roofing I prefer heat over cold, as weird as it seems. Once you step on plastic sheeting with snow and ice between the sheets, you realize why warm is better. After the concussion subsides. Cold is death. Winter is knife-winds and dirt and salt and ice sticking to everything hereby doubling or tripling its weights. Driving is dangerous and takes much longer. I fucking haaaaaaaaaaaaaate winter.
We are a few miles from the river and there is often fog in the morning these days. So now that our high is like 38 nothing is melting and everything is covered in ice. It looks like winter wonderland which is nice but I almost busted my ass on the deck last night while wearing heavy boots. Bout to put some frickin caution tape up and call it a winter. Unrelated. I can't believe no one told me that American Vandal Season 2 was all about poop. I would have watched this shit months ago.
For thanksgiving, I'm doing my homemade salsa, except instead of chipotle, I'm roasting some jalapeno and serrano peppers on the grill. In addition to the Hatch green chilies. So three different layers of heat and flavor, combined with the heavy garlic, oregano, cumin and paprika (which compliment each other really well in other seasonings like rubs). I'm getting hungry.
Happy Thanksgiving, y’all. This article is interesting in a sad kinda way. A missionary was killed by remote tribesman off the coast of India. I’ve read about these people on North Sentinel Island before and it’s fascinating. They’ve been around for thousands of years but have remain untouched since they attack anyone that comes near them. They even fire arrows at helicopters that come near. Apparently a millennial bringing the good word of Jesus didn’t do the trick either.
Stupid games, stupid prizes etc. It’s almost as if they want to be left alone. Have missionaries not learned from the past few centuries that people simply do not LIKE them? You come to my country to tell me my new god is always mad at me and I can’t jerk off? Where the fuck do I sign up? How stupid would it be if you went to an Amish community to help spread word of the zipper and flushable toilet? So what possessed this retard to think an openly violent, knowingly hostile tribe would want him to change their way of thinking?
I've read about them elsewhere and yeah, it's fascinating to know there's tribes out there still so isolated. Kinda hard to feel bad for the kid when he knew he wasn't supposed to go near them, could have infected them further decimating their numbers, and didn't heed the first barrage of arrows they sent his way.
I’d like to ask his friends and family “Why wouldn’t you do anything to prevent him from doing something so obviously retarded and dangerous? Are you as stupid as he is?” No sympathy whatsoever here. This planet couldn’t have lost a dumber human being.
Yeah, it’s very illegal in India to try to make contact with them without permission from the government. Apparently the East India Company and British Navy used to straight up kidnap people from the island and brought diseases with them, so now these people go apeshit whenever any outsider approaches. They are suspected to be declining in numbers, inbreeding probably isn’t helping anything.
It was also pointless to try to spread the word of Jesus to them since the Sentinelese don't know English! As far as what I've read it sounds like their language is different from the other Andaman tribes and isn't spoken by anyone who doesn't live on the island.