They actually take off into the wind... it provides higher lift at lower ground speeds, which helps to take off. Most mountains have prevailing winds, so they'd take off on the windward side.
That’s also why they hit that updraft going down the mountain, correct? Don’t winds tend to speed up as they go over mountains? So basically, once he decided to not turn around, he was committed to going down that mountain as fast as he could (and riding the up currents along the way), before he went to land and just hoped the cross winds in the valley didn’t screw up his landing.
It's probably a bang load of fun.......but I'm not interested. I don't even want to bungee jump anymore. I'm entirely too lazy.
I would love to do it, and that video doesn't make me want to try it any less. One person's dumbass mistake shouldn't keep you from trying something that might otherwise be fun and relatively safe.
I’ve seen too many belayers, riggers, and secondaries get fucked up for me to be entirely trusting of people to perform their jobs correctly. I trust equipment. People? Ehhhhh. I’d never tell someone they shouldn’t do it for the reasons I’m not interested, everybody’s got their flavors. That particular one just isn’t mine.
In my limited experience, Dixie, it's the ethanol based gases that fucked everything up, especially with small power tools. Every single weed eater, lawn mower, etc, that I've used ethanol-containing fuel in has suffered from a fucked up carb. I think it's partly due to the fuel, but also partly due to the absolutely shitty design/manufacturing of said carbs. I've tried unfucking a couple of them, but like you, could never get them to work right... so just replaced them and everything worked fine. I now have a hard rule that all gas that goes into any small engine of mine (leaf blower, snow blower, lawn mower, chain saw, generator, etc) ALL has 0% ethanol in it. That means I spend a few extra dollars for the 92 octane stuff around here, but in the end, I've never had a fucked up carb ever since. Totally worth it. (And this was with using proper fuel stabilizers for winter storage, etc). Fuck ethanol fuels.
Same thing for me. I finally learned my lesson, and it pays off quick. I still have one chainsaw, an edger, and a pressure washer that need a carb cleaning before I put them on ethanol-free fuel, but that's the last of the small motors that run on the dirty stuff. Fortunately there's walmart gas station (of all places!) near us that sells ethanol-free fuel, but if I'm on my way home from the city the local john deere dealership sells the stuff for cheap in gallon cans so long as you're a current customer.
I started using Stabil on my ATV after having to tear the carb out and fix it not once but twice. After that I used the additive and had a fuel filter put in the line. I also shut the fuel line completely off when I'm going to let it set unused for longer periods of time. Some of the gas stations and round here are starting to offer rhe ethanol free fuel as well.
Nett, the thing that really gets to me is I COULDN'T FIND ANYTHING WRONG WITH THE CARB. All passages were clean, there was none of the corrosion present like you'll see with ethanol fuels... Now I have to deal with the fact that by the time I get out of work, it's getting to dark to mow... Fuck the time change.
That is funny someone gave an old pos lawnmower with a brigs motor in it. I never put fuel stabilizer in it, I leave it outside all winter. And it starts usually with in the first couple of pulls the first time I go to start it in the spring.
A lot of it has to do with the shitty new carbs... especially plastic parts that interact weirdly with ethanol. I don't know if they expand slightly and fuck up the jetting/flows, but in every case, a new machine with the same shitty part-plastic carb then requires a whole new one be put on when it dies. Old school is probably immune to the effects of ethanol. The Environmental Protection Agency has approved gasoline with 15 percent ethanol for use in cars year 2001 or newer, yet it prohibits its use in mowers and other power equipment, stating it may cause damage. A Department of Energy study found that E15 caused hotter operating temperatures, erratic running, and engine-part failure. But even gas with the usual 10 percent ethanol (E10) could help destroy small engines. Thanks Obama!
So this happened: Southwest Airlines has apologized to a family after the mother of a five-year-old girl says a gate agent mocked her daughter’s name Abcde and posted a photo of her boarding pass on social media. I gotta say, I'm kind of with the Gate Agent on this one, up until they shared the pic on social media. If you're fucking retarded enough to name your kid "Abcde", (pronounced exactly how its spelled), then while I feel badly for the kid, full blame lands on the shoulders of the parent for any future ridicule the kid gets. If airline gate agents are mocking your kid's name, can you imagine what kids at school will do? Fucking hell...
The airline didn’t mock the kid. The parents marked it from birth. Give your kid a stupid name, and prepare for the fallout...