Qatar is the worst humidity I've experienced. It's so humid you can't get dry, even sitting in direct sunlight. Everything always felt damp
We're at 54% humidity right now and I'm dying. It reminds me so much of the worst part of living in Mississippi. I remember flying into Bangkok....we got in at about 2 AM and walked out of the airport and Holy SHIT! That air hit me and I struggled to breathe, it felt like I should chew the air first. A month and half there and I never got used to that humidity. It was so bad that in one hotel my AC iced up and I had to shut it down so it could thaw.
Louisiana checking in, where the overnight temps are in the low to mid 70's and humidity rarely dips below 55%. (Currently @ 94%) The dew points also stay in the mid to high 70s so you're not escaping the thick, soupy air. Mississippi ain't no picnic in the summer either. Several years ago my uncle's hunting camp just north of Woodville flooded and we had to rebuild the bottom third of it. 3 weekends in a row with no power and the temps in the mid 90's. The camp was on the edge of a cypress swamp so the heat, mosquitos, and gnats were relentless. I literally did not have to pee the entire time we were out there and went through 6-8 bottles of water and a six pack of gatorade each day I was there. I basically reverse hibernate. I don't go outside unless it's absolutely necessary between May and October.
@Nettdata wanted another picture of the truck. Granted I don’t have a ton of experience towing compared to others on here, but it I think it does a pretty good job
I made my whole wheat bread from the recipe I posted in the cooking thread awhile back and y'all. This stuff gives you a headstart on tomorrow's daily fiber intake. Give it a try!
A friend of mine who is a recovered alcoholic introduced me to Labatts NA beer. He kinda surprised me by ordering one, but as he pointed out, he likes the taste of a cold beer on a hot day but not the alcohol. I tried a sip and it wasn’t too shabby. Since I have a CDL I have to be really careful about going out, but switching from beer to water or soda kinda sucks. This seemed to be a good solution. I can have a few regular beers and then switch up to NA if I still want a beer. I did it last night and it was nice to hang out for an additional hour, sipping a cold beer, without the worries of DWI and losing my job.
Welp America lost to The Russia Olympic Committee(?) in the team gymnastics. Won’t lie, I became a Olympic fanatic because of the 96 Atlanta team when I was 12. Certainly hard to follow the Olympics when the time zone blows the news up before prime time airing.
All part of Simone Biles' plan. Now she can go out and dominate some individual events, and claim gold, attention, and endorsements for herself!
I was kidding. Simone Biles is a dominant force in gymnastics, and has nothing to hang her head about. She left with what is being described as a medical issue. I don't know what it is, but she did mention that the pressure of having so much expectation on her was difficult. She may have not been able to get her head right and maybe told the coaches she couldn't go. I hope that's what it is, and not a stress fracture or some physical tweak that keeps her out the rest of the games. She might be able to shake off the mental stuff or get some support for it, and come back and dominate in the individual stuff.
With how much pressure and spotlight is on her, I would 100% understand if she just packed and went home. They’re kids. Young kids. They’re pushed to absolutely insane limits and most of them are met with disappointment. I don’t know how that wouldn’t drive just about anybody mad.
It's has to be hard enough just competing at the Olympic level. The media has talked about her consistently for weeks and has put a ton of pressure on her to essentially carry the U.S. Gymnastics team to victory. Not to mention, constantly being sexualized when she's trying to focus on the sport. I wouldn't blame her for cracking, just saying "fuck it" and walking away.
Not sure there is a female athlete with more attention and sponsorship than she has right now. If Nike wanted more than to just virtue signal they’d cut her alternate the same check as they do her. Edit: Didn’t see the pressure talk. Gymnastics is notoriously insane as far as competition pressures put on them at crazy young ages. Diet and health pressures, retarded practice schedules. I totally got that golfer who peaced out of press conferences. Fuck that noise.
I love the Olympics. I know the IOC is corrupt beyond belief, but I still get really excited to watch these amazing athletes compete. From what I read, Biles bowed out because she wasn't in the right mental state and didn't want her missteps to affect the team. Looks like she'll still be back to compete in individual events. I'd also just like to say that it's complete bullshit they're underscoring her skills. To undervalue the GOAT because they're afraid other gymnasts will be injured? Please. She raised the bar, and if they can't meet it, that's on them, not her.
North Coast BC we are sitting at 91% humidity, only 13c/56f so not to bad, but later in the day it will suck balls.