How the hell anyone has thought it’s a good idea for Vince to go out there, huffing and puffing every other line off key, is beyond me. They should have stuck to their “final tour” three or four tours ago.
It certainly has made John Fisher the owner of the Oakland, soon to be Sacramento before Las Vegas Athletics.
Don’t get ahead of yourself, there. As a Sox fan, I feel like I’m living some sort of bizarro Moneyball sequel. John Henry is taking a page from the Fisher playbook, but also banking on the Fenway Experience(TM) to keep people in the seats.
I asked my buddy yesterday evening, what is up with Jason Day's pants? He's like, I dunno, I was at The Masters today, on the way home now, and didn't see him. I was like, well, it looks like he's wearing 80s parachute pants, and he was all, nah, they're probably just rain pants. Nope. The comedy gold in the embedded tweets in this link is a great part of the morning. GOLD! It's been a minute since I laughed that hard.
Left LV's 80* weather and came home to mid 40s and rain. Bah. I think I'm done with Vegas for a while. It's just too damn expensive. Bottle of Aquafina that's $1.50 or so at the gas station is $8 at the hotel. My Starbucks coffee that I get is $4.25. Vegas? Try $11. Pina Colada by the pool? $35 + tax/tip. At the Sphere we got a margarita, 16oz IPA and box of gummy Nerds. $46. I don't remember the restaurant but they wanted $70 for a bottle of crappy Rodney Strong. You can usually find it for ~$15. That being said, we had a great time lol
So yesterday was an interesting day. THE GOOD: I found out that I'm getting a four-digit tax return for the first time in years (FUCK THE TRUMP TAX PLAN. FUCKING BULLSHIT HANDOUT TO THE WEALTHY THAT FUCKS THE MIDDLE CLASS. FIGHT ME IF YOU DISAGREE.). THE BAD?: I almost got into an accident after work. I was going to the grocery store, and turned left to go under and overpass, and as soon as I got up to speed, I hear tires screeching, and I saw that the minivan ahead of me had come to a complete stop! There wasn't enough time to slow this big beast down*, so I slowed down as much as I could, and darted to the right, missing it by inches. Some stupid, incoherent-looking old woman was trying to turn in a non-turning lane, and just decided to stop in the middle of traffic...** Anyway, I pulled into the grocery store and parked, and as soon as I got out of the truck, a stranger in a Cowboys jersey walked up to me and said: "YOU'RE A FUCKIN' BEAST, BRO! Me and my brother saw what you just did, and we thought that you were going to hit that lady for sure! She just stopped in the middle of the street! That was awesome, bro!" I thanked him, and went on my way. I'll call that a win. THE UGLY: Jungle Julia caught a cold a couple of days ago, and that makes her extra irritable. Because her throat is sore, she won't smoke any weed, and that makes her extra, extra irritable. So I decided to get her some CBD gummies. This is not her first time with those; she tried some Delta 8 gummies when we went to a concert in a city where we didn't have any connections. She wasn't really impressed, and said that they took too long to kick in, and when they did, she didn't feel much. Well, this time, I got some Delta 9 gummies; they're supposed to pack more of a punch. She gets home, and tells me that she's going to take two of them. Whatever. SHE GOT FUCKED UP. Within an hour, she turned to me with wide eyes and said: "I feel really stoned. Do I look stoned?" (she didn't) She got really paranoid, and we retreated to bed to watch an episode of The Sopranos before going to sleep, but then she started feeling sick, and ended up puking all over the bathroom. She felt like total shit today, and we'll have to see how this evening goes. *I'm still driving a 1990 Chevy Suburban **I really hope I die before I become like that.
I used delta 8 for a long time as a "natural" pain killer after I broke my leg. Then one night they decided to absolutely wreck my shit. Basically a bad trip, worst anxiety attack I've had ever. I wasn't right emotionally for weeks. Haven't touched them since. Fuck that stuff.
I get my edibles from 3chi. There’s a blend they have called comfortably numb. I’ve not had a bad nights sleeps since I discovered them. I have found that some of the other brands from neighborhood head shops either don't work like they should or they send me screaming from depths of hades. 3chi products tend to be higher quality in my opinion.
that was actually the exact brand I used. Issue was I had a very greasy meal that night (massive burrito with enchilada sauce) and as I understand it greasy food can make things worse. However, at least as was my understanding at the time, at a certain point everyone is gonna have a bad experience with delta 8 and it was just my turn. At the time I had built up a pretty good tolerance, and had 75 mg in me (3, 25 mg gummies), though I know that for some people that's obviously crazy low.