hell when I was doing it I personally knew people who would do 500 mg in a go, and have read that 1000+ is not abnormal depending upon frequency of use. If I were to do it over, I would for sure just microdose at the 5-10 mg levels.
Yeah, as someone who lives in a state without legal weed but does have legal delta-8 I have used delta-8 gummies several times over the past few years, and I have found that tolerance to them builds very quickly. I have to increase the dosage by about 5 mg each time I use them in order to get the same high. And I have had the same experience with the paranoia. The first few times that I used delta-8 I was fine, but the paranoia has been a problem with every subsequent use. The brands that I have tried are Everest, Area 52, and Exhale Wellness, but I haven't noticed a difference in the experience of the high between those three brands. I am at a point where I only take delta-8 when I am really in the mood for it, which is maybe 5-6 times per year now. And when I do use it I usually take a lower dose (around 25 mg) so I can just have a buzz going.
I call BS on people doing 500+. I know some hardcore people that do lots of different types of drugs, and they say a couple hundred have the drooling for the night
I have a particularly high tolerance and I will tell you that doing above 200 is stupid for 99% of people. Like dabs, it’s just unnecessary waste to make yourself high on an unnecessary level.
I’ve found edible dosages vary wildly across brands and where they’re bought. Around here there is a huge gray market- edibles are sold in every corner store and gas station around, but there are very few legal dispensaries. At the dispensaries, they can only sell gummies 10mg each or lower, usually in packs of 10-20 gummies total. The legal gummies hit pretty well at a 10-15 mg dose. The gas station gummies have the same effect at what is supposedly 30-50 mg, even accounting for variety, hybrids etc.
I took some of that synthetic trash when I was in North Carolina (THC-O or whatever). Took the same dose that I take with the real shit. I was insanely fucked up for an entire day.
Same here. I had to leave a dinner and hide in my bedroom for hours with the lights off on the verge of puking.
Some people are seemingly unaffected while others go to Mars off the smallest amounts. It’s a dice-roll from person to person.
I’m not talking about the packages of synthetic crap. I’m talking Delta 8,Delta 9, hybrids etc. These gummies are everywhere. It’s the quality control regarding dosage I’m referring to.
I don't know who on here mentioned that the Conan O'Brien Hot Ones episode was a worthy watch, but I really don't love Conan O'Brien and thought the episode was fantastic. I was cracking up. edit: I have been informed that it was @GTE and he requires your affirmation. @GTE, you are strong, independent man, you are worthy of love, and you are okay just the way you are.
We must be talking about different types of weed or something. My brother weighs around 250lbs, is a daily marijuana user and he usually does 30mgs of edibles/drinks. He did 70mgs once and melted into the couch for 28 hours
We actually are. Synthetic THC is chemically made and is far more potent in small doses. It's usually some hemp-derived variety, which is a result of the Farm Bill loophole.
Hubs and I watched this last night and were dying laughing. @GTE you are worthy, you are loved, you are A Man, man. And you saw the Conan O'Brien Hot Ones episode first. Good job!
I tested out my first smudge stick. My house straight up smells like the dankest of all the weeds. Like someone has been ripping bongs in each doorway. It actually smells great to me. I can't sell theses though; the leaves are too amell and it doesn't burn long enough.
Same. The letter to Rusty from his dad in the cricket episode hits me in the feels. Every. Damn. Time.
If you are to believe Joey Diaz it’s not but he may be insane or lying or both. I don’t doubt people can grow tolerances. I’ve seen my brother do dab after dab after dab with his friends. Don’t see how they weren’t ungodly coma high. I’ve only taken one edible with a known amount at 25mg and it was right in my sweet spot. Not overly high and only lasted until I was finished with a concert. I did do a random edible at Bonnaroo once that must have been in the hundreds. I accidentally stepped on some dudes face who was sleeping in the grass at the back of a crowd. I bolted with my friends and then geeked out for 5 straight hours. Highest I’ve ever been. Weed makes me uncomfortably introspective and keeps me awake (an odd paradoxical reaction). I do it once every 3 years or so. Alcohol gives me terrible hangovers. Little these days I like to be altered on. If Benzos weren’t so highly addictive and deadly they’d be perfect in the loosen the inhibitions without the hangover.
The fucking guy does it to everyone. He would switch gummy wrappers on his co-host Lee using a fifty mg wrapper to disguise a FIVE HUNDRED mg gummy. Right before they go live on mic. Fucking sociopathic. To most adults, fifty mg will put them on the tip of a speeding comet for four hours.