Anything that I used to regard as “cottage country” back home has been declared dead and buried after visiting Cape Breton Island. You cannot top scenery like this.
It’s funny what gets you excited when you’re older and joints hurt and you have young kids. Going to bed before 8:30. Kids sleeping in past 8. A celebration involves ordering the “nice” delivery pizza (we did that to celebrate our 9 year anniversary, as well as my recent 12 year brain tumor anniversary). Yesterday, as part of our small reno on our house with the new tile, paint, baseboards, we found out Lowe’s was doing 10% off with their credit card (which already saves you 5% on everything). So we checked it out and they had insane deals on wooden blackout blinds. My home office now puts the “cave” in man cave. The excitement from that will last me all week. At least. Plus I just got one of those 100 foot pocket hoses on amazon on a lightning deal. Never had one until I recently tried out a 50 footer, and they are a GAME CHANGER.
Nashville was an absolute blast. Went to Pepperfire and Hattie Bs for chicken. Enjoyed both. We did try to check out the Station Inn, but it was closed when we were down in the Gulch area. Also went to a Nashville Knights lingerie football game, which was pretty fun. Tried to get my crew to a brewery, but it’s like rallying a herd of cats. Broadway was fun, it’s like Bourbon Street for chicks. Caught a bunch of great like music acts. My buddy spent $500 requesting Free Bird as one of the bands wouldn’t play it for less than $100. By the third night, Broadway got a bit old and I wasn’t quite feeling it anymore. Also fucked myself up severely on one of those rent-scooter things. Hit a curb and went flying; the entire right side of my body is all fucked up. Overall, fun weekend.
Sounds like a blast. I've been travelling for work for 4 of the last 6 weeks. It gets old fast. This is the first weekend in a long time that I got to just sit back and relax and do what I wanted in my own environment... it was nice. My herb garden blew the fuck up so in order to use up some of the crazy amounts of basil I have, I've concocted a bourbon drink with soda, blueberries, honey, and muddled basil. It's fucking delicious. In the meantime, I realized that I didn't watch the last season of Anthony Bourdain after he offed himself. I was just too put off to deal with it... but today I've started into that last season, and am enjoying it. So, in the spirit of Bourdain, I'm making up some bullshit fresh herb cocktails and watching unseen (by me) Parts Unknown. Happy Sunday.
Got some amazing jamaican jerk marinade as a sample at work (benefits of having an office at a food distributor). I'm in love. Wife tasted it with her finger, and according to her, her mouth was in "physical pain ohmygod why did you do that to me?!?!?" for several hours. Well, so much for that idea....
As someone who grew up in an area just across the border from and dealt with very similar issues as those found in West Virginia, I found his WV episode extremely thoughtful and poignant. I also felt his Pittsburgh episode was on point and called out some key issues that many locals want to willfully ignore, but it felt like something was missing from the episode.
So... how long before you sneak some into a pair of her underwear for one of your "hilarious" pranks?
That’s what Broadway in Nashville is. After living here ten years, my wife and I groan when a relative suggests going. But it is fun at times. We’re moving in a few months so we might enjoy downtown more as visitors later than we do now. My days off this week are gonna consist of beginning to pack up the little shit that doesn’t get used around the house that often - Knick-knacks and souvenirs and shit. We have three months to go, but I want to feel some sense of accomplishment while praying I can find a job.
I haven’t been able to watch Parts Unknown since he died. It’s just been something I haven’t wanted to do, and I’m not sure why.
One step ahead of you. I had already been thinking about putting it in her water bottle when she goes to the gym. Or in her coffee mug. Austin Slow Burn. I can't vouch for the rest of their stuff, but for $6 for a good sized jar, it would be worth it to me. Hell it'd be worth it to me at twice that price. Stuff would be absolutely killer as a baste on some low and slow BBQ pork ribs.
Interesting. I've been the complete opposite. I have DirecTv set up to record 10 episodes of Parts Unknown and No Reservations, I've reread Kitchen Confidential, bought his cookbook and read Medium Raw. I can't remember which episode it was but it starts out with Bourdain talking about being born in NYC and for much of his young life just assumed everyone lived like that. I was watching it with my wife who was born in and raised in San Francisco who said that really hit home for her. It wasn't until she was mid 20's and moved out of the city that she saw that not everyone was raised with sky scrapers, public transit and no back yards.
Same here. I couldn't bring myself to watch them. I just managed to watch the last season recently. Have you seen the Lower East Side one yet? It was beautiful, a work of genius.