What the.... you think they just bought it for the tech/ownership rights and their people then? Seems like tumblr would be worth more than that on name alone.
Nah. They killed porn on the platform and that was most of their userbase. I would not be surprised if they were bleeding cash.
I may have made the best whisky sour ever tonight... normal bourbon, lemon/lime sour, simple syrup, egg white, but I used a few of my sangria soaked cherries as the topper/garnish. (I still have a bit left in the fridge a month later, and it only gets better and better). HOLY SHIT was that a game changer. I may have made a few of them, and I may now be out of bourbon. On a Monday night.
I don't understand how Tumblr ever had any advertising revenue. Nearly all of their content was porn, copyright violations, or the rantings of mentally ill teenagers, and often all three at the same time.
You forgot to mention Club Triggered. Tumblr, like most of the popular social media sights, is horrible poison.
Daughter went in for surgery this morning, for which anesthesia was required. They let her pick out her favorite mask for the gas, and the one she picked had My Little Pony stickers all over it. I jokingly asked the nurse, "Do you have any adult men that also ask for the MLP mask also?" She shot me a serious look and said, "You have no idea," and just walked away.
Yeah... there's some weird shit in the Brony universe... In other news, things got a little exciting around here last night after a house blew up and 7 more caught on fire when a drunk 23 year old slammed into a gas meter outside a house when doing 120 against the traffic last night... https://www.citynews1130.com/2019/08/15/vehicle-crash-explosion-london-ont/ It was a big enough explosion that I could feel it... thought someone slammed the door in my shop so I went out to see if I was being robbed, and I live a 15 min drive away.
When I was growing up a house blew up in our neighborhood. Some mafia thing was what the news said. Blew up the house to try to cover for the body inside. Looked like fucking matchsticks on a foundation. Loudest thing I’ve ever heard.
Apparently she hit the gas meter, got trapped in the car, and Fire Rescue showed up to extract her from the car... all while the house was filling up with gas. Partway through the extraction it just blew the fuck up. Needless to say there are a few firemen in the hospital right now, no details, but I have to assume they were the ones doing the extraction when it blew. The house was empty, thankfully (family off on vacation), and then they killed gas to the neighbourhood and evacuated the block. They're still evacuated now. Not sure I want to be around when then turn that gas back on.
This is what I shouldn’t leave town. It always goes to shit in my absence. For a second I was worried it was OUR house that blew up, knowing my luck.
Going for the smoke ring world record today is my home town: ...actually NOT from the house explosion. A lightning bolt hit a high voltage transformer, blew the fuck up and sent a stadium- sized ring into the sky.