We’re not seeing these shortages here in NJ, at least not yet. Everything I typically buy is still well stocked but more expensive. Since I’m an alcohol omnivore, shortages of specific brands won’t affect me much anyway.
I never remember it later without looking either. I think they give different words now so people can't cheat or something?
I'm still doing it. Everybody gets the same word, as far as I know. Why would anybody cheat? There's no prize.
I don't know. Why do people cheat at any games? I thought I read an article that said there would be a variety of daily words. Today mine was Spoiler cloth What was yours?
Still doing it most days. Saturdays was interesting as hell. I had 3 green letter the first guess, i didn't use double letter and didn't get it till the last guess. Spoiler Arise Gripe Write Drive Crime Brine
The words with common letter combinations are the hardest because you just have to try stuff. I usually try whole new words with available letters who h means I won't be guessing it on the 2nd line but I'll definitely get it before running out of guesses.
I still play wordle and https://www.quordle.com most days. Feels like the fixation is wearing off - but the tabs still sit open on my phone for grunting over at breakfast.
I'm more interested in the Russians. Some of those girls are going to be done in so hard by the sanctions that they'll be desperate. Time to start advertising for Russian maids.
Proof that in 2022, any conflict will eventually devolve into a weird hybrid of Nazi's, "Boats and Hoes" and a bizarre porn parody of the combination.
I do wordle, quordle, octordle, and nerdle each morning when I wake up instead of starting work on time.
I've been doing it every day since I heard about it. 42-0 BAYBEE! I play on hard mode which forces you to use revealed letters and in their correct spots so you can't just throw out random guesses hoping to cobble together all the known letters. It actually helps figuring out the word when you are forced to use known letters as part of your next guess. In the past I've played Scrabble in NYC a bunch and that has helped with working out words with a pile of letters.
I try to do it everyday, if I remember. I've only missed one, it was the RUPEE day. I put in puree instead and lost.