If you have money, this time hire a night nanny. Then you can sleep for more than two hours a night the first three months. I too own entire sets that are worth less that the gas it will take to drive to a collector.
If you have a chance, listen to an artist named "Ramsey" while having kinky or druggy sex. It literally doesn't matter what song. She doesn't miss. If you listen to her in any other scenario, it sounds like air escaping a balloon at a middle school dance recital. I'm taking a one-day vacation from being a vegetarian for the Super Bowl. One day to eat all the meat I want and bask gloriously in meat sweats. What recipe's y'all got? Someone is bringing Cincinatt chili, and I said they'd have to bring a port-a-potty too. I dunno if it's just her version, but that shit is....unappealing.
BLT dip. 50/50 mayo and sour cream, add in a ton of bacon pieces, lettuce, shredded cheese, and diced tomato (if you like tomato). Garlic powder, onion powder, and pepper to taste.
I listened to ten seconds or so. Not for me. But I don’t have a lot of kinky and druggy sex, so there’s that. On a related note, to the music aspect of it: I hate music reviews. I read a blurb of somebody talking about her music, and it was just like a mad lib of adjectives for “trippy sounding.” Maybe I’m a robot, I don’t know. But if you’re gonna start trying to convince me to listen to something by making it sound like a spiritual experience, fuck off. Just tell me “this music is really good. You’ll probably like it if you like (insert artist/band/genre).”
White chicken chili is my usual Jam. But if you get 1 day off, go for broke; get smoked Brisket, or Beef Ribs.
Finally dug my windsurfing gear out of the farmhouse attic to bring home. Last time I did this was about 8.5 years ago. So, I'm trying to decide if I want to restart a physically demanding sport in my forties or sell them. Guess I'll have to wait a few months and see if I still have it in me to do it.
I see that going as well as me trying to play a hockey goalie for the first time in decades in my mid 30's.
No shit. Even in my early 30s, it was exhausting and ended in whole-body soreness for a day or two after. Part of me wants to try it one more time, part of me thinks that part of me is a fool.
Last night I went out to get the mail in my moccasins, slipped on the ice and slid all the way down my driveway. I laid there in the dark for about 5 minutes trying to decide whether I should just call it or not.
Probably not much beyond some muscle aches. I used to go miles from shore without a life jacket. I'm not that stupid anymore, so the risk of drowning should be lower. At what point does my ibuprofen habit and failing eyesight become reminder enough? Serious question.
My MIL almost managed to drown in Lake Michigan that way when the winds whipped up unexpectedly and she couldn’t get back to shore. Husband and his sister were like 7 and 9 at the time. Lucky for her there was a helicopter rescue team doing drills nearby that they called in to look for her but if there hadn’t been…
I've saved my wife from several drowning situations over the years. Like when she capsized a Club 420 in frigid water, fell off the dock fully clothed in frigid water when we lived on our boat. One time I was teaching her brother to sail on my race boat when she capsized. That idiot jumped in to save her, I had to throw him a life jacket and tell him to wait while I got her. Sailed back to get him. Then had to chase down her boat, which was sailing just fine without her on it.
Mine works just fine too. It’s my wife’s ovaries that are the problem. Hopefully she takes care of that so we don’t have a 3rd kid.
From the covid thread; And those are super duper random too /s Years back, but after Sept 11th, I went to a training seminar is Mississippi and one of the group was kinda-sorta middle eastern looking dude and he was randomly selected for pat downs at three out of the four security check points we went through. That dude could chug a beer faster than anyone I've ever seen. We'd order a round and once they put the beer down he'd ask for a napkin, change, straw etc and when they turned around to get the item, he'd chug the beer, set the empty glass down and deadpan ask why they gave him an empty glass. Most of the time they'd laugh and pour him another one.