Those may have been the iciest roads I’ve ever seen. Once I was south of the city this morning, everything was like driving on glass. Four cars in the ditch in less than a ten-mile stretch.
Needless to say the father put his foot down and said "nope, not today". Sounds like he made the right call.
What trees? I thought you lived in a desert? The weather forecast is also unpredictably wrong and variable here in the northeast US also. Not sure if it’s crappy models, lousy data or the weather is way screwier than it used to be. One bit of anecdotal evidence for the latter. We are having yet another wind storm today, and they seem much more frequent and violent than they used to be. Steady 15-20 mph winds with gusts from 30-50 mph, depending on the event. This happens maybe a dozen times a year now, at least. When I was a kid it happened rarely- our house was a 1920 something expanded Cape, with aluminum awnings above all of the windows. We had a huge picture window at the back of the house and the awning was probably 12 feet long and 3 feet wide. When the wind picked up that awning would catch it and sound like it was going to come right off the house, so I was acutely aware of when the winds were high. What is now a common occurrence happened rarely 40 years ago.
Yeah. But then when you post your results in social media, all your contacts will know you’re not playing hard mode, and they’ll judge you. Best to avoid that. Let them judge you for sharing inspirational quotes that frequently contradict each other.
I have a pretty dark bruise right above my butt. It looks like I sharted, then sat down and the crap pushed up out of my ass crack.
Fun little HOA story from today: (Bear in mind this is in a residential area) A woman called to complain about her neighbors bringing in 4 goats and numerous chickens. For ritual sacrifice. She even said they built an alter of sorts in their backyard. I kind of thought she was being overly dramatic and the people probably didn't realize there are CC&R's covering livestock being kept. Then I looked up the neighbors and there it September someone turned them in for sacrificing animals in their backyard.