Yeah sorry Dales Also anything by Anchor Steam Brewing out of San Francisco is fantastic. And of course y’all have Fremont up there. Anything by them is guaranteed to be good.
We used to rotate out a pretty good selection at the bar/grille I worked at, and Dale's was one of them. We had 4-6 "specialty" cans of beer at any given time including Dales and Good People IPA, but these were the better sellers.
I really like perusing through the Great American Beer Festival winners page, just to spot beers/breweries that I haven't heard of
Awesome idea. We have a taphouse down the street with like 50 beers on tap but I cannot sample even close to that many beers, so this will give me a way to pick intelligently.
I do a lot of my drinking at the local Moose Lodge, where there's been a change from things like PBR over to more local and other craft beers. Most places around here a pint is gonna cost 6-8 bucks. At the lodge, $3 Also, one of the perks of being a musician? Free beer. Then for the home consumption it's Sam Adams' seasonals.
Like you said in your rep, their winter seasonal is very good this year. Their fruity beers used to be sweet and their darker stuff I always felt like tasted too burnt and was heavy just for the sake of being heavy. But this year they absolutely nailed it in my opinion. If anyone is remotely curious, pick up one of their seasonal samplers; you won’t be disappointed. I always get at least a 12 pack or two every time I go to the store. It’s fucking delicious.
Co-sign. I'm not a huge IPA guy, but that one is really good. In general you can't go wrong with anything out of the West Coast. I mentioned it earlier, but Anchor Steam is fucking incredible too. They finally made their way here to Texas and I'm in heaven. It's one of those tastes though where either you love it or you hate it.
Anchor and Sammy Adams are by far my two favorite brands. Anchor Steam seems to be criminally underrated. And Sam continuously adds to it’s lineup with beers that are almost always good to great without being obnoxious.
last year I found the craft beer bar @ the United center for a Bulls game....$13.50 for a pint....still very good, but I almost swallowed my tongue until I remembered where I was. Deschutes brewing puts out some pretty great beer as well.
Yeah, I'll be burning my guitars today. Christ, I can't imagine the amount of time one has to spend each day to play like that. I'm a better finger picker than flat picker. I'd be even better if I grew out my nails like that. Still, no thanks. I read somewhere that some musicians like James Taylor get acrylic nails rather than grow them out.