You have to love the Streisand Effect. Guess what one of the top trending songs on YouTube currently is?
“You better run, girl!!! You’re much too young, girl!!” Gaaaaaah. You could do that shit back then. Back in the 59’s there were lots of songs about guys named Johnny slapping his girl around. Let me think: There’s “He Hit Me (And It Felt Like A Kiss)” by the Crystals. That one is a riot. And “Baby Got Back” is still on Top 40 daytime rotation. So I don’t know what the fuck is going on on this world I anymore.
The Benny Mardones song opens with people strenuously objecting to his persuit of a 16 year old. He fantasizes about taking her away and doing shit to her. Song is catchy as hell.
Yeah, we need to do a better job of telling people to shut the fuck up. Case in point, my (and Crown's) local news. Maple Leaf Foods is building a $660 million dollar processing plant here in town, with the expected windfall to be around $1.5 billion for the local economy over the next 4 years. So what does the local news focus on for a solid 10 minute segment? 3 angsty Peta wannabes that are extolling the notion that "chickens are people too" and that we should not allow the big corporation to come in and make our chicken tendies. 10. Fucking. Minutes. Why did they even get airtime? Why is it that so many people feel the need to talk about contrary opinions even when they are fucking Loonie Tunes? "The Earth is round." "Critics say that no, the Earth is flat, and here's a 5 minute interview to balance out the discussion." No... equal airtime is not balance. Hate to break it to you, but all opinions are not equal, and not every piece of news needs that contrarian opinion thrown in.
The National Archives has a whole bunch of incredible videos on YouTube. I've spent hours watching them tonight and have barely scratched the surface. Old timey blowing shit up:
Closed my FB account. The only people on there anymore are about self validation or creating drama for attention. What a shit show.
It takes a minute to get used to looking for the app on your phone and not seeing it, but life is better without it.
I feel that exact way about Twitter. That site actually poisons society as a whole, it’s nothing but a bully orgy. Nuke it from orbit.
Someone in the office down the hall has Kenny G’s Christmas album playing and now I understand why people commit mass shootings.
I actually still use Twitter because it’s the fastest way for me to get news. It is a cesspool though.
Declare war, and crank up the volume.