In other news, I thought the machine uprising would have started differently...
In other news, after listening to this, human rights groups declared waterboarding "...not so bad after all."
I watched The Thin Red Line last night for the first time in about 15 years. It's weird watching movies from the late 90's and early 2000's and all of a sudden you see Dr. Steve Brule in a serious role.
Well, it happened. Finally got to use the snow blower in anger for the first time this year. It was fucking awesome. I work from home, so don't give a shit if the driveway was cleaned... but it was fun to get out and throw some snow around.
Is there anytime someone wouldn't use a snow blower in anger? I can't imagine ever not being angry that I have to deal with snow. It's 42* here right now and I'm ready to quit my job, move to some Caribbean island and sell fish from some shack on the beach
How long is your driveway that it hasnt been an issue beforehand? I bought mine off the previous homeowner and I cant imagine not having it.
It's never been an issue... it's just that I've been prepping for the first real snow fall for weeks; changed the oil/plugs/gas in the snow blower, test ran it, etc, got it ready for it's first real use. That happened today. The driveway isn't that long, really, and I don't even need to do it if it was just me using it (joys of 4x4 trucks), but between the whining postal workers, delivery people, and my Mom (who parks in the garage but has to make it down the driveway without ending up on the neighbours front lawn, again), it needs to be cleaned out every now and then.
You know, it had been a few years, so I clicked and turned my volume WAYYY up. Everyone else should too!
High of 33 today. I went outside! To the shed, where I discovered a mouse. It was a short trip. I threw a bunch of rags soaked in vinegar in there and closed the door. Now I am designing a death bucket.
Yes, in all accuracy it should read "googled and then bought item from product referral on YouTube vid". I actually ordered that 15min ago.
I have cats. They usually want to bring <insert prey here> to me as tribute, which I'm fine with. Because I also have high-speed pellet guns to dispatch said <insert prey here>. Worst case is that there's a mouse hiding somewhere for a day or so before it is left unceremoniously on a rug somewhere. I'm OK with that... keeps the bastards entertained. Meanwhile, I'm enjoying an early Christmas... picked up a fancy coffee making machine for the house. Had a push-button "do everything including grinding the beans" machine for almost 10 years now, and it was finally starting to wear out. Pre-Christmas sale and a good bonus meant that I was easily swayed into picking up a newer model. It even has a "milk cartridge" that you attach so it automatically makes lates and machiattos and all sorts of other faggy (yet tasty) shit... so of course I had to try it out when it was delivered about 4pm this afternoon. About 5 espresso shots later, I'm WIDE FUCKING AWAKE. Go figure! And I'm a little pissed at the control systems running my new humidifier install, so I'm sitting here, getting drunk, and building a new control system with a $20 Arduino kit. Temp/humidity sensors, LCD displays, power relays... everything I need to make that humidifier my bitch. All while enjoying more than a few other beverages, of course... Happy Friday, you Idiots!