In other news... These Smraza kits are fucking amazing...
And who’s ass are we driving a tomahawk missile up the middle of this week? Don’t tell me you aren’t planning anything sinister, I’ve seen “The Rock”.
Hell yes, brothers! We are well on our way! I now have a red LED that flashes! It's only a matter of time now before the world feels our sting!
Progress... next up is relay logic for a recirc pump and fan based on airflow sensor with temp/humidity values.
I went to school for computer engineering (an electrical engineering specialty) in the mid-80's. The shit I can do with a $20 Arduino package now makes mid-80's me cry.
You are officially a Canada Bear. What in the fuck. I dont even own enough clothes to live like that.
Normally I'm sweating my ass of right there with ya but since the move, the seasons have a lot more....personality. High of 33 today, I don't want to look at the low tonight, and hubs called to tell me it was snowing lightly on his way to work. I gave in (out of necessity) and bought heavier clothes and have been happier since then. Thick socks designed for hiking, cuddle duds for lounging, leggings to layer under pants. But FUCK! Good socks are expensive. Also, did you know that 2XLT size clothes never go on sale? Ever? And I still have to deal with the mouse situation today. I don't think burning the house down is an option so I'll have to drag everything out of the shed. I still have horrible memories that come back randomly about the rat we had once. Rodents make me shudder now uncontrollably. I was trapped in the shed for at least 2 full minutes while I got myself under control and got out of there yesterday.
Just get a set of these: They make both mouse and rat traps, and they are the best mouse/rat traps I've ever used. We had a chipmunk get inside a couple months ago and take up residence behind our fireplace insert. Fucking cats wouldn't do anything about it, and the first mouse traps I tried were just not strong enough. Got the same model (but bigger) rat traps and holy crap it damn near cut the thing in half when it went off at 4am... woke me up when it did. They work quite well.... I just bait them with some peanut butter with a big old walnut jammed down into the peanut butter. Sure is a hell of a lot easier than cleaning out a shed.
I bought the rolling log thing to drown the fuckers in a bucket. I guess I have never had any confidence in snap trap designs because it seems like "smart" rodents can get the bait without a problem. For whatever reason I am way more likely to spring for some Decon than a trap but wanted to try a non poison step before we get to that. There are neighborhood pet cats that roam and I don't want to be responsible for a second hand poisoning situation. That is a nasty way to die.
Those sticky traps are easy too, and fun! Since it catches them live you can put the on the ground where you significant other puts his/her feet when they get outta bed. Nothing as funny as watching a wife run around the house with a sticky trap stuck to her foot with two very alive and very pissed off mice also attached to it.
I wish I had a good answer for you. Best I can figure is that she knew I was like this when she met me over a decade ago, and while she freaks out at the time during some of this stuff, she laughs and enjoys it afterward. We're always messing with each other. I have a funny startle reflex and since we live on a ranch the place gets super dark at night. I've learned to always carry a flashlight if the lights are off after the kids are asleep, otherwise she's liable to pop outta anywhere and scare the piss outta me. Never a dull day around here.
This cracks me up, because in my life, the flashlight I carry everywhere is actually a stun gun. You would get your ass stunned so many times that you'd be medium well.
Taser or stun gun? Stun guns require you to physically touch the attacker in order for them to be effective, and if I was ever in that situation the last thing I'd want to do is get CLOSER to the thing endangering me. Once it stops making contact with the skin, the pain stops and they can fight again. Stun guns are a compliance tool, not a self defense tool. Remember: distance is your friend. But if I did end up that close, I'd like to think my knife, gel-based pepper spray, and 9mm would be a lot more effective at stopping the threat than a stun gun.