Holy FUCKING shit. It wiped out bridge cranes like they were Bernie Kozar. Worst Snickers commercial ever.
Those STS(ship to shore) cranes are made for lifting, not side impact, soon as they are hit from the side the structural integrity goes out the window and they collapse. Pretty much all the video's on the internet soon as something hits them, they just crumple.
Story time. I grew up on something like this. Westsail 42. Spent every weekend for years and years on there. I'd take the helm for hours at a shot while my parents napped and I wasn't even a teenager yet. Fucking blast. Except for one time: When I was around 8-10 my family landed on the front page of a small town newspaper when a storm caused our sailboat to first almost sink, then almost crash into the dock. We were on anchor the night before, my oldest brother was the one who was tasked with checking the handheld each morning and giving us the weather report. He was early 20s and that was a responsibility we figured he could handle. He couldn't. In his hungover state that morning he decided to say everything's fine to cover the fact he didn't check. Fucking storm came up on us like something out of White Squall. Too deep to drop anchor, no sea anchor on board. Couldn't ride it out because we were unprotected and unprepared. Now, that Westsail is fucking heavy, and about as maneuverable as one of those old school boat Cadillacs but without power steering. That's in clear weather. When it's raining so hard you can't see past the cockpit anyway, you're royally fucked. Especially in the days before every ship had a radar. We had to go off dead reckoning, charts, and our best guess. Unfortunately to get into the marina we had to squeeze between two jetties, in a channel maybe 30 yards wide. So if we didn't get it exactly right, by the time we realized we were gonna wreck it was too late to do anything. Donned storm gear, life jackets, crossed our fingers and radioed everyone we knew in the marina for help docking. We were on an end slip and the wind was blowing from our stern if we were to pull straight in. So if we got the passage through the jetties exactly right, and we got into the marina exactly right, and at some point the storm cleared the docks and got to our space on the end, the goal was for me to sprint my tiny ass out to the blow, cleat off a line, and toss it to someone on the dock who'd use a cleat to try to slow us. My step-father would throw it in reverse, mother would toss a stern line to pull us in that way. Our neighbors at the marina were on board with the plan and fortunately a few of the strong fat ones happened to be on their boats monitoring the radio when we called. Unfortunately the local newspaper was also monitoring. Soon as we got all tied up there were celebratory hugs and hi-fives and a half dozen reporters jumped on board. Started taking pictures and talking to all of us while taking notes. We were very disoriented and confused by it all, didn't know who they were or what was going on at first. Finally my step father spoke up in words we still tease him about, "if I don't know who you are, get the FUCK OFF MY BOAT!" Dumbass brother never lied about checking a weather report again. Loved that sailboat though. Miss her.
Heh. I was standing outside a laundromat today and some kid in a pick up went by and screamed at me "Fuck you you fucking tourist!" I laughed because I've probably yelled that same sentiment at a random tourist up here once or twice myself when I was younger. But I especially laughed because if his family has lived here long enough, I may have fucked his mom. Or his aunt. Or his grandmother.
Dana White is building out infrastructure on a private island for the lightweight title on April 18. Rumors of them also considering an Indian reservation in California. MMA is crazy y’all. Everyone stuck at home with nothing else to do. They’ll get 3/4 of the homes in the US and Canada watching that thing.
I was definitely talking to the dog really loud yesterday while my wife was on a work call with some higher ups. Nothing like turning a corner and seeing her pointing at her headset. Good times!
I need to start buying Pirate’s Booty from the distribution centers. This kid eats it by the pallet-load.
Pirate's Booty? https://www.theidiotboard.com/threads/nsfw-the-tib-members-booty-thread.85/#post-65870
Legit question; The UFC has grown to such a size; why does Dana White NOT write into fighter's contracts that they need a US residence/be in the US 3 months prior to a fight? He's got Pres. Trump's phone #, I'm sure he could get some sort of "Work" visa program set up? I would think it'd cut down on all the "false positive" test-failures that seem to pop up as well, since they eat/train in the US, instead of wherever, taking whatever.
When it's 2020 and they still have a confederate flag in the background, you know this is gonna be interesting
One if the most important rules of boating is never approach anything faster than you care to strike it. Bridge crew probably took too long to figure out the prop was still turning that fast in forward gear. I don't know how quickly they can shut one of those down, but that's the first thing I'd have done if I had a tug and could not reverse thrust. There are probably plenty of reasons why that's a bad idea, you lose forward way and steerage, but at least you're not just powering through people and millions of dollars worth of crap.
I think this is a couple years old, but whatever, I just saw it. The top image is from the show Puppy Dog Pals that airs on Disney Channel, and features a cool shelf system. The second image is the chemical structure for LSD. Disney animators are the best.
For your viewing pleasure, the greatest spaz tantrum ever thrown by a grown man: ...usually I only thought video games could cause a guy to reach that level of kicking the proverbial chessboard, but apparently losing to my very unsuccessful favourite team does it too. Holy mackerel.
4 day long weekend... I may be a wee bit hammered... and catching up on the last 2 episodes of Brockmire. It got weird. Funny, but weird. As in "hey, it's 2032 now" weird and Brockmire is the baseball commissioner.
Some hogs just tried to quarantine themselves by my yard. First one took two shots, it was about 250 lbs, ran off into the brush. Went and got my sidearm as backup because I’m slow but not stupid, and no way I’m going in after a boy that big without a backup gun. As I was trying to find it, ran into another one about 150 lbs. I did a double take because I didn’t believe my luck, and also that pig must have been really deaf or really dumb. Normally I just let the vultures take it, especially with anything of that size, but a buddy of mine has some friends who are really hard up for food with everything going on. They got enough meat of those two fuckers to sit pretty for a good bit and ride this one out. Always a nice ending when you can donate the meat somewhere needed.
If you get them small they're better than what you get at the store. If they're too big, they're not great. The one that was about 150 was on the high end of what I'd want to eat. Also depends how you cook them too. Ground pork with a ton of pazote and rice? Take all the meat you can get off the big boys. Just looking for backstrap? Smaller guys around 50 lbs or so.
Jealous of both. It's our anniversary Saturday and we had a long weekend on the coast* booked but VRBO canceled it. (understandably so, but still..) So it's just a normal weekend now. Since the gym is closed, I'd just work, head home, catch a heavy buzz, aka get hammered, for two weeks straight so I figured it'd be best to take a week off. On the plus side, this is the first weekend in a month where it's actually nice out. It's been trending to have high 60's - low 70's during the week and then low 50's and raining for the weekend. Four weekends in a row. *I mean come on, look at that view. https://www.vrbo.com/1504682?adultsCount=2&noDates=true