Gypsy moth nest look like cream-coloured spider eggs. The silver-ish coloured larvae at first look like tiny ants on the nest. In two or three weeks, they’ll eat to the size of your pinky finger. They like hardwood trees. Oak is their favourite, but birch they love too. They are easier to see on birch, fortunately. Later when they go to pupa stage they spin these horrific, ugly and gross-looking nests that are the size of boogieboards everywhere looking like an HR Giger night terror.
Any starling or grackle I find I kill because they kill all of the other birds we have in the area... knock eggs out of their nests, just overall bullies.
Regarding those big nests, I think you’re thinking of tent caterpillars. Gypsy moths develop hard cases that hang anywhere they can. Tent caterpillars build the large nests. If you google gypsy moth nests those pictures are incorrect- they’re showing tent caterpillars. You can see the difference if you zoom in. Gypsy moths in photo
Gypsy moth caterpillars only have one redeeming quality- they’re colors are often beautiful and flamboyant. This is a weird thing to have so much expertise on, but Gypsy moths were a plague in northwestern nj in the 70s and tent caterpillars infested our apple trees a decade later. Back in the day, pest control specialists would paint a band of a sticky substance about 5 feet off the ground on all mature trees. Most Gypsy moth caterpillars would be repelled by it and not cross the band, and those that tried got stuck.
This is what they look like: They're not the branches/trees engulfed in spider web looking cover, but they do have a protective nest that is all over the tree.
You are correct. If you google it, the pictures are primarily of tent caterpillar nests. Fire, applied precisely, deals well with both infestations.
Blue Dove Soap, white vinegar and water in a pump sprayer. If they’re up high, put it in a bucket and use a syringe water gun. There’s also stuff (called “BTK”, yeah) you can spray on the leaves which will kill them when they start eating them.
Today was a great day. The weather is finally starting to come around and get nice and warm... some major wins at work... and I made my final payment on the mortgage today. I spent the evening bbq'ing some chicken and steaks nice and slow, and drinking. Happy Tuesday Idiots!
Paint booth motor went out yesterday and while I was picking up a new one, there was this work of art on the counter. It's about a cubic foot in size and the level of detail is amazing. I probably spent 15 minutes zooming in on my phone and seeing more stuff. Sorry for the crappy pics. There was a large window behind it which was causing a glare.
Meanwhile, here in New Jersey, towns are tripping over themselves to ban the sale of cannabis, in any form. But feel free to pay upwards of $500k for a liquor license. Fucking hypocritical and ignorant old white people. And I don’t even smoke.
In Texas there was talks of banning Delta 8 (hemp derived THC) which I thought was weird, because that whole "muh farmers!!!" thing is a really big deal here. My suspicion is that they are now wanting to ban that, to make way for cannabis-derived THC (Delta 9), and were "persuaded" by some very effective bribes... I mean, lobbying. Either way, consumers and especially the state wins, because hellooooooo tax dollars!!!
Good luck with that. When they legalized it here the tax income from the sales was supposed to fund the schools. Sales (And thus taxes) exceeded all expectations. They've had to raise sales and property taxes since then to fund...wait for it....schools.
All of the moneys is never enough. Casinos in Vegas make enough taxable money that you should all get refunds for fucks sake. Regardless of where the money comes from, there’s a long line of people to spend and steal it. See: Atlantic City, state lotteries etc