I've always wondered how many of these appalling cover-ups are the result of something like this. Like a fight where someone just fell and hit their head, and the other person thinks, "welp, this looks like murder, guess I need to try and not get caught." She keeps reading articles and doomscrolling on Facebook because of course they have a ton of friends in common on social media and everyone is discussing it. She said that if she were to rank every person in her class on their likelihood of being the subject of an investigation like this, she'd have put this guy just about last. Bizarre.
I became more cognizant of weird accident coverups when it was discussed as a possibility in the Jean Benet Ramsey death. I imagine it happens more often than you might think. However in the murder you are talking about, he dismembered his wife. That's.... A lot. I can imagine animals perhaps helping in scattering the remains. But he fuckin cut her up! If it were an accident in this case, I would expect him to simply dump the whole body somewhere.
Most people have trouble hacking through a crusty roll with a bread knife. If he took the time he did to do what he did…. why are we even discussing this?!?!?! When a woman goes missing, you arrest the husband. She did not piss of the Cali cartel, he was not “fishing on Christmas Eve”. 99% of the time in these situations, it’s the husband premeditated.
Eh, I don't think the "Oh shit! My wife fell, hit her head and died. Guess I should dispose of her body so people don't think I killed her" theory really holds water. And this is coming from a guy who doesn't trust cops at all.
My wife just pointed out that 14 years ago today I proposed to her (apparently it was on her late grandparents' anniversary -- and that's the only way she remembers -- so I'm not in trouble for forgetting, which was my initial reaction). Holy fuck it seems like it wasn't nearly that long ago. Damn these years go by quick.
I don't mean a casual bathroom slip-turned-dismemberment, which sounds like a dark comedy along the lines of Weekend at Bernie's but with more blood. More wondering how many of these start with, "I'm going to kill my wife and have a plan to distribute each finger in a separate county," as opposed to, "I killed my wife during a domestic abuse incident and now need to deal with the body."
Ah, gotcha. I could see hiding the body if we were having loud enough arguments that neighbors hear on the reg, one time she grabs a knife, slips, falls on it and it kills her. Who's going to believe that and not that I killed her.
Not quite the same, but the movie Worlds Greatest Dad is premised on Robin Williams' son accidentally killing himself while jerking off with a belt, and Williams staging it as a suicide and drafting a fake suicide note.
Dexter Morgan could see that one from a mile away. I would hope forensics has advanced enough to at least be close to what is portrayed on TV. I would think that if you weren't super near your spouse when it happened, blood spatter, finger print, and possibly DNA could prove the true course of events. The key is to not touch anything, just get the hell away and call authorities immediately and make them see the evidence. If she sprayed you with blood when it happened, you're likely fucked. Good luck in prison, I hear you need to click up with a gang so someone has your back.
I'll identify as a woman, go to a women's prison and bam, all the poon I want and no ass raping. Chess not checkers.
Detectives love to close cases. It helps their %. Maybe if you also have a good lawyer ($$) and actually have someone come collect relevant evidence at the crime scene. Most places don't have equally talented and funded forensics teams and blood spatter experts (or at all). I can imagine these coverups of incidents gone wrong being more common in rural areas. Fewer witnesses around.... Are we gonna call the cops on ourselves or are we going to take care of business?
Blood splatter is junk science. It's up there with polygraph tests as far as "not worth the paper its printed on" https://features.propublica.org/blo...acdonell-forensic-evidence-judges-and-courts/ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podca...oodstain-pattern/id1151670380?i=1000487634652 https://www.news-leader.com/story/n...n-analysis-enormous-national-study/709086001/
That's what I've heard in the past. You can get some basic ideas of certain things with blood splatter, but the Dexter show really oversold the strength of that type of analysis. TV in general oversells what 98% of police and lab does for most casework.
Was out running my first half marathon when I learned that my hometown San Antonio Spurs won the NBA draft lottery and the rights to select a generational prospect for the THIRD time in their franchise's history (they had a 14.5% chance of winning the draft). For the conspiratorial-minded among you, I'm really starting to believe the NBA draft is rigged. Also, does this mean I'm going to have to run a half marathon every time they're in the lottery? Because if so, fuck!
So is bite mark analysis. There is a series on Netflix that goes over all of the weaknesses in the different areas of forensics. The whole modern system of forensic odontology and accreditation was cooked up by this sleazy dentist in his basement based on some half assed work in the 70s. Having hunted and field dressed human sized animals it boggles my mind people think they’d be able to dismember a body and not leave evidence everywhere. I think tricking someone into crawling in a crematorium retort is about the only way you aren’t leaving dna (though I think they’ve come up with analysis for that even).
Best example of this? The novel The Cadaver King and the Country Dentist by Radley Balko. A monenent to how bite mark forensics is complete bullshit, championed by quack dentists who made got wealthy off incarcerating innocent people. The book focuses on and rightfully vilifies “Doctor” Michael West, a morbidly obese quack and unapologetic psychopath who invented fake evidence to wrongfully convict people for decades He’s still disgustingly fat and has Diabetes, so hopefully he’ll be dead soon.