22 January, 2011 Dear Diary: Today KIMaster told a joke on TiB. It is time to put my affairs in order and make my peace with god before the universe winds down the final few hours of End Times.... Focus: Jeremy Scahill. Don't know the name? Didn't think so. He's an investigative journalist who freelances for various websites and publications. He's also the guy who wrote the expose on Blackwater, shoving "contractors" in the war into the spotlight. Watching him anywhere where he argues or debates is my own personal catnip. Crazy smart and great in an argument. I don't know if there's anything wrong with liking him, per se, but he's my "celebrity" crush and I would do evil things to that man.
I spend most of the movie thinking she looks like a dude, but then there's always that one angle that pops up every now and then where I think "Damn"
Dakota Fanning. I interpreted "unexplainable attraction" to mean "the judge won't hear my explanation." She may just be 16, but damn, I'd do her every which way but loose. And loose too.
Ellen Muth (might be a bit obscure since she has not had many roles) She looks like she has a touch of downs but damn it if I wouldn't jizz all over her 2 foot forehead.
I've literally had arguments that lasted days on that very issue. I want to fuck the nasal out of that bitch's voice. I also think there's a possibility that I might fuck Helen Mirren. When she was born, we were still in World War II. No, seriously. She's literally old enough to be my grandmother. What the fucking fuck.
I'm with you on that one, but I don't know if I'd be able to get past my uncontrollable urge to feed her oats. Edit: I suppose I could always re-name my dick "Oats."
That trick from NPR radio. She's rude to callers, seemingly clueless, and potentially could have the most monotonous voice I've ever heard. I don't know what she looks like; I do not care. I'd split dem whiskers for sport and demand a high five from my wife.
Wait, old or young? Because there's no shame in liking young Susan Sarandon- First time I saw her in a film:
This was her in 2004. This is her in April of last year. I'd fuck 2004 version stone cold sober, and 2010 after two doubles.
And I'd make her hold that basket of chicken while we did it. I watched Gilmore Girls religiously for her, wondering why I found her so attractive. Then I remembered a girl I used to work with who looked a lot like her. She would flirt with me and give me free coffees.
Yes I am a closet chubby chaser. But I forgot this one.. Claire Robinson, also from Food Network. Her face reminds me of Vada (Veda?) from the "My Girl" movies. Marginally attractive body with the voice of a mongoloid who has smoked 3 packs a day for 30 years. Yet she could still get it.
Apparently she is one of the main writers on the series and does a little bit of directing. Apparently I don't mind fucking a girl with a bit of chub as long as her last name sounds like a side-dish.
A gentle reminder that, no matter what I accomplish in this life, it probably will not include stealing a bitch from Ellen DeGeneres: