Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! Oh, and I fell for it, mostly. It didn't really make any sense that Frylock was making typos -- I know enough people like him to know how they act/type when they're drunk and that's not it -- but I didn't think they would joke about this sort of thing, and I would much rather be supportive and fooled than an asshole if it were true. Who was it that launched into that rant about how Frylock would never survive a southern football game or something? That was awkward. That whole thing was super awkward. I did like people trying to remain upbeat while hearing about somebody molesting his dead sister.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! Well played, but there were a few things you could have done to make it more believable: 1.) Not sure how far in advance this was planned, but Frylock shouldn't have been diligently bumping threads the week his sister died. 2.) I know you wanted everyone to see what Frylock was posting, but you kept saying "keep it out of here" and not deleting his posts was a huge tip off, you should have made sure to quote him so the text was still there, but deleted his actual posts. 3.) He was still listed as a mod even when he was "banned" he should have been temporarily de-modded. Keeping it going late into today was smart though, I was starting to second guess myself around noon. Was Maltob party to this, or does he just hate you?
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! Kind of the same position I was in. Skeptical, of course, but chose to just not comment on it. Sorry Nom, guess I have to step down from my post as the NOM CHOMPSKY FOR MOD campaign manager. I was going to have signs made up and everything. Strategically displayed across certain body parts of course. I know what wins votes in this joint.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! AH goddamnit that's what I get for posting so fast. ...and Maltob14 for playing "Agent Provacateur #2." Also I would like to say that of all of TiB, Nom Chompsky handled this entire clusterfuck with extraordinary grace and dignity. A tip of the hat to you, sir.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! I'll send you an enrolment form for my 3-day seminar.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! As I said, I didn't find out about it until I was woken up by a text message asking wtf was going on. My first thought was "Ah fuck, someone posted the pictures Jennitalia sends to everyone and now there's a clusterfuck cause they're public." As for the deleting posts thing, I almost went through and nuked the thread Boozy style (delete every post and leave a comment on it) but I figured it would be out of character for me, and that given it was a mod fight I would have left it to Chater to handle it.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! Very true. The one thing that didn't sit right with me was how over-the-top Net and the Fry Man were. When it comes to drama (real or in cyberspace), you picked the two people on this board I'd least expect to act in that manner. Something was definitely rotten in Denmark there. Had it been, say, Shegirl and Aetius (does anyone else constantly forget that guy exists?), I would have bought it 100%. The confirmation about the whole thing being a joke makes my little jab earlier look silly and ridiculous. Kudos for carrying an April Fool's Day prank over the course of two days, though. Y'all need more hobbies. BlueDog's role as the peacemaker was probably my favorite part of it all. Who the fuck is Maltob?
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! FOCUS: Also found this to be a good joke, perpetrated by a Husband.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! I was just the stunt cock in the porno that was his sisters funeral. A dead end job but someone had to do it. BAHAHAHAHA God, I kill me. And with that, I'm off to chicken and beer.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! I was skeptical up until Frylock got banned, then I bought it. Great joke on part of mods, it was very well done. Kudos to you all.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! Frylock's sister sexted some pics. Figured it's ok to share. NSFW
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! Wait, since when am I the most likely to be drama filled and go ballistic? I WILL FUCKING BAN YOU!
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! This was still quite interesting, April Fools or not.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! I answered yes to the poll and I'm sure a lot of regs did too. For the entertainment the board provides, I'd happily shell a little out for it if it came down to it.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! I love this board, but I'd never pay a fee for it. I can't afford a mixer for my drinks never mind internet membership.
Re: WEEKEND APRIL FOOLS DENOUMENT And Pranks Thread! Mods, can you do something about this guy? He's disturbing the patrons. Is that why your avatar has a load of semen caught in his mustache?