Re: Weekend Dru- BANG! 11/19/10 Hang in there BD, I'll tip one tonight in your honor. This weekend took a lot out of me. I need a break from booze but it's Thanksgiving week and that is just nowhere on the agenda.
Re: Weekend Dru- BANG! 11/19/10 Did I miss the post where somebody pointed out that Miley Cyrus is 18 today? And, now that she's 18, am I allowed to gawk at her legs in a video made before she turned 18? If I'm gonna be creepy, I want to be respectable about it.
Re: Weekend Dru- BANG! 11/19/10 Visiting my girlfriend right now, which means I'm driving home tomorrow. With everyone else and their mother. Godammitsomuch. Hopefully I don't get pulled over. *knocks on wood* Beveraging has commenced. Pseudo thanksgiving with the gf and friends, then to the bar. I fully expect to sleep (pass out) way beyond my anticipated 11am departure time. Standard.
Re: Weekend Dru- BANG! 11/19/10 Totally fucked up my oatmeal stout, no foam to speak of. Still tastes good, but needs foam for me to want to have more than 2. Not sure how strong it is, maybe I won't notice the lack of foam after a couple. Edit: Just poured the second one, and there's some foam, hopefully the rest of this batch is like that. Edit 2: Number 3 is looking good.
It hasn't happened to me in forever, so the next time a girl throws something back at me after I tell her she looks like a Troll Doll I'm going to propose to her
I'm about to descend into the bowels of hell... the grocery store on the day before thanksgiving. Why I waited I have no idea but I'm fortifying myself with a couple cups of dark roast hazelnut blend capped with baileys. And away. We. Go.
Headed out for thanksgiving vacation, we arrived 47 minutes before our flight they said (cutoff is 45), so we bolted through the airport, I accidentally put my boarding passes and ID through the xray machine, forgot to take off my belt through the metal detector, was waived through security with a laugh and a "it happens." They didn't even check my reading glasses case, which always gets checked, because it looks suspiciously like a bomb. Yeah, some heightened security we have. Had a 4.6 earthquake here in Hawaii, sirens went off, we all literally ran upstairs from the beach as they were warning about a tsunami. Then had another 3.2 we thought was an aftershock. It was absolutely terrifying at the time, so we drank more and watched the ocean to see if it went back.
I'm excited, I got laid not one, but both, days last weekend. I don't what got into the wife. Well, besides me. Here's to hoping for a 2/4 weekend!!!!
I am off in two hours. I will be going to a friends place to play liars dice tonight and eat homemade chicken noodle soup. Tomorrow is my favorite day of the year because outside cooking, which isn't as bad as many make it out to be, it's stress free. Friday is a free day and Saturday it's back over to the same friends place for the "Friend Turkey Day". There will be all the norm and a smoked turkey. I hope all of you degenerates have a good holiday, no matter where you are, who you spend it with or what you do.
I'm stuck nearly 3,000 miles from my nearest family member for Thanksgiving. The plus side? I've reached the age where my friends are getting married left and right, and one such couple invited me to their house to join them and their families. I should also mention these two people are BY FAR the best cooks I know. I'm salivating just thinking about it. I'm about to brave the grocery store on Thanksgiving Eve to get ingredients for this new sweet potato recipe I want to try, because I'd feel awkward if I didn't contribute. I'm also going to get a big bottle of good wine in case the new sweet potato recipe sucks ass.
Cracked open my first of a series of beers which might later be accompanied by some whiskey to calm the nerves. As you may be able to tell my friends are fucking assholes and my day started off in a rage with my soul being crushed and then resuscitated. Was it funny? Sure, well planned too. We'll see who's laughing though when Brees is taking a stroll by a levee that happens to break then crush and drown him. Jackass. And happy turkey day to all the Americans.
I've been drunk everyday for nearly 2 weeks now. This has to stop, but it helps me get through. Will I ever learn?
Picked up the booze needed for the next three days. Can't wait for drunken Bananagrams with my siblings. Last year it ended in tiles being thrown at the winner of each round.
I always remember the Lions playing on Thanksgiving. That was like their only exposure during the season. These new NFL rules are really makin' things weird...
New rules PSHAW. Lions and Cowboys will always play on turkey day. It's one of the constants of American life.