Why the fuck am I not drinking right now. Thanks for the reminder. Somewhat related note: I'm looking forward to Kevin Smith's new movie Red State. Anyone else?
This is the truth. If you have the time and inclination, make yourselves some chicken stock from scratch. Then take the stock and boil some egg noodles in it with the odd chunk of chicken meat from what you made the stock with. It takes absolutely zero skill and tastes amazing. In other news: some merlot for the sausage, some merlot for the cook. Some beer for the sausage, some beer for the cook. Everyone is happy.
I'd like to see the westboro baptist church-goers shoot themselves up with some street heroin using dirty needles. You know, as a scientific experiment to prove that HIV/AIDS is a punishment for gays and sinners and won't affect them. Perhaps afterwards they could be involved in a prison rape and tested for antibodies afterwards. There'd be lab coats and controlled conditions and everything.
I hate that all that Kansas has in the minds of 99% of people out there are tornadoes (and Wizard of Oz) and The Westborough Baptist Church.
Foremost in my mind with respect to Kansas is flat and boring. If you wouldn't mind posting in the boobie thread, both of those stereotypes could be burst in one fell swoop.
Sorry, I don't think I have it in me to single-handedly represent all of Kansas. I'll let Ballsack speak for both of us. edit - but we do have some awesome awesome barbeque. Suck it Texas, you can't compare.
I don't know, I am honestly not a big fan of barbecue (and prefer the NC version with pulled pork and cole slaw). But please, it is all we have to hold on to.
What? How? Next you're going to tell me you don't like beer, strip clubs, and clubbing migrant workers for sexual thrill. I don't even know you anymore.
I'm a bigger fan of wine, I prefer "exotic dancers", and who in the hell would mow my lawn if I did that?
I got a rep telling me that I shouldn't be holding out, but what I didn't explain is that I haven't even been approached. Yep, that unsexy.
Their shit is so tired now, anyways. They're a grassroots cult who got some attention with their audacity. However, the rest of us are wise to the fact they're just starved attention hounds and morons, so why carp? Now the Mormons, there's a den of psychos that pose an actual threat (enough to convince people from California that being gay is a sin). If you read into what kooks those people are, you'd probably laugh yourself sick.
If anyone has a serious suggestion for a writing exercise (<10k words), I'm pretty bored and need something to do.