My friend are all being a bunch of little bitches tonight and I want to go to the bar. I've never gone to one by myself. Is it weird to do that? Any pointers?
I wish I had the house to myself tonight. Unfortunately, I have to deal with my whiney, annoying roommate for the rest of the night, good thing he's holed up in his room for a while playing games on his computer. I might just give the ex a call and have her come over, I'll be good and tipsy before I make that call.
It's exactly as weird as you make it. If you can make casual conversation with strangers, there's nothing weird about it. Hell, even if you're OK with just having a beer and waiting to see if anything shapes up, it's fine. If you are more of an introvert but still expect "something" to happen, then yeah, it might be a disappointment. It's really not that different from when you go with a group unless you get excessively self-conscious about it.
I have a way better chance of picking up at a bar if I go by myself, seriously, girls approach me more often when I'm sitting at the bar alone. I usually don't even have to do any of the work.
FINALLY after 12 days, copious amounts of nyquil, six boxes of tissues, and one Z-pack later, I am starting to feel almost human again. Bu not human enough to go out and do anything, of course. Husband is out of town, I just poured my first glass of wine, and don't want to drink alone. Guess it is just us tonight TiB. Regarding the whole guys and girls as friends thing, I have always thought it was possible. However I have never heard a guy say that it can work without him hoping to turn it into some type of "with benefits" thing, so who knows. In support of this, in my single days, I did end up hooking up with quite a few of my guy friends.
Probably because my class is very female heavy, I've a large proportion of female friends. And because they all know the girlfriend, there's not a whole lot of sexual tension between us. There's a large number of girls I could phone up and ask out to dinner or a movie or drinking and they wouldn't think anything of it, and that largely wouldn't change if I became single. As fir sex? Well, some of them I talk about sex and relationships with and sometimes it's a bit weird for me to hear them talk about new relationships, probably because I am suppressing the notion of 'what if that were me?' but then I tell myself to quit being a bitch. Would I have sex with these girls? Depends who. Some of them would require more booze and desperation than others, needless to say. But all told, I wouldn't want to engage in relationships with them. Once someone tells you about waking up from a drunken morning with a strange girl in their bed and how their drunken id released itself because they weren't ready to settle down, they kind of release themselves from the dating pool. To get back to your question, i guess it depends if friendship would include that one night of renown sex and the ensuing awkwardness. And remember I'm not exactly looking to have sex with other girls, especially not ones who know the girlfriend. I unrated news, I made 70 pounds of sausage today. Jesus Christ. More work than you'd think.
There will be, at some point along the timeline, a moment where one or the other wants too bang the other. If the intention is to start a relationship or not, it'll happen. I have never found a single instance where this wasn't correct, at least, so far. That said, my group of friends seems to be quite on track in that regard, as quite a number of them have slept with one or more person in the group. It's just something that happens, every now and then.
Sorry to derail the thread but does anyone know how to deal with an annoying roommate who stands on the side of the couch and comments on the movie you're watching while slurping spaghetti, not to mention his nasally, annoying as fuck laugh? What kind of shit would you pull on someone like this?
A "dude, shut the fuck up I'm trying to watch this movie" usually does the trick for me. Then if he continues just start making a loud slurping noise every time he starts to say something.
In his defense I'd also make fun of someone watching Pretty Woman for the fourth time in a row after being 'propositioned'
I recommend having an airsoft pistol at the ready. They are relatively easy to conceal and generally don't do any lasting damage. Plus, it will have the upside of making him afraid to talk around you in the future out of fear of being shot. I say it will solve the current problem and squash any future ones as well. Cheers!
God lord the 12 year old jail bait in Jurassic park just showed some serious side-boob there. That can't be healthy.
Watching Hard Boiled. This movie is hypnotic and cold-blooded as all Hell. As for your roomate, just make sure that every time he wakes up in bed the first thing that he sees is you, staring at him with a maniacal smile on your face saying "What are you looking for?" He'll move out soon. I would probably slap him in the chin if he slurped noodles within 100 feet of me. I fucking HATE that shit. Just out of curiosity, he isn't the $16,000 question dude, is he (pray that he is, people)?