Obviously you should spend tonight meticulously planning next week's date. I mean, if you are so bored and all.
Native Americans shouldn't buy Heritage Vodka. Edit: They also threw it on the ground, so to up the irony.
NO SHIT!! For the past, however long that song has been out, I thought it was a chick singing that song! Well, I guess it still is.
You need a pull a Wes Welker and make as many foot/wheel references as possible, all with a straight face. "Well what do you say we get this date rolling?" "Wow it's getting late, the wheel of time just keeps turning" "Bro, are you cruising for a bruising?"
That's the beauty of it. It starts off subtle, but gets less and less so with each reference you pile on. By the end of the date Bart Scott will threaten to put you in a wheelchair.
I'll handle this drunk speak with more drunk speak: fuckin yo my bro there has sum fuck dubbuy on da way and dere guna fuk. In other news: I'm drunk. HEADLINE NEWS BROADCAST: Booty call on the way. MORE HEADLINE NEWS BROADCAST: It's the MILF. Yummy.
Got this text as my housemate left: Hey, Kuhjäger, there are 2 skunks fucking behind your truck. So the work party was kinda crazy. I ended up with a nice as hell bottle of tequila.
I totally underestimated how effective the beach is in getting riid of a hangover. Lazing around watching other people play sport on TV for the rest of the evening also helps.
So what happened to Superpants? I remember someone asking about him in another thread but I don't remember reading any answer.
knewzphlash: a;sldfkj2oi4ghawp'ovm, bish. Last edited by p00g0blin on Sun Jan 16, 2011 2:06 am, edited 98 times in total.
To the two posters who advised me to go to the bar solo earlier, I thank you good Sirs. I got two numbers within 20 minutes of being there and one if them is SMOKING hot. She came up and started eating my chicken strips (bitch), then whispered her number to me. I know I could have taken her home except the fact that the guys in her group kept giving me the death eye every time she came up to me. They had line beards so I know they don't care about their own lives, and I was alone (a downside of going to a bar by yourself), so I ignored her until I left. One good thing about the situation is that as soon as I got home I farted for like twenty minutes, which wouldn't have been great if I had a girl here.