It's my birthday. Getting off work soon and immediately going out to the bars around my apartment. This is not going to end well. Let's see if I can not do something really stupid for a change.
I just had a beer with the other half of my bagel/egg/cheddar breakfast sandwich as my belated lunch in between phone calls, because fuck it, it's Friday and I'm camping out in my sister's guest room and I can. Only problem: I can feel it. Hi, my name is tweetybird, and I have lost my tolera... I mean, will to live.
Holy. Crap. I just pushed away my plate from the first real meal I've had in a month. I cooked a pound and a half 2 inch thick ribeye for my reward, and I could barely finish a third of it. I'm friggin' stuffed. It was so fucking good, but its a good sign because before I started working out, I would have demolished the whole thing. Its fucking awesome to be skinny again, and at the same time, its bittersweet because this thing tastes awesome. I'm still drinking this whole bottle of wine, though. That's probably going to fuck me up something fierce.
I spent hours the last couple of days trying to fix a problem with my computer (nothing I plugged into USB worked). The solution after these hours, turn it off and unplug the fucking thing for a minute. I hate computers and need a drink.
Guinness. The gods favor me tonight. I cooked up an Irish breakfast, (bacon, tater pancake, pork sausage, eggs, brown bread, baked beans, Guinness) except for the blood sausage. Ever had blood sausage? I love marrow and blood, but that shit tastes like raw onion and throwup. Did I mention Guinness? One day I will have Guinness on tap in my house. And in my bathroom. Think of the possibilities. Tomorrow is a craft beer fest. An entire afternoon of microbrews. I want to go to bed early so tomorrow will come quicker, just like when you're a kid on Christmas Eve.
That is my magic way to fix all things electronic, reboot. Oddly enough, it works about 99% of the time. Ah, about ready to hang out with my good friend wine.
Well I don't know about you but I was charming the pants off of my professors' wife. Fact: my girlfriend is sleeping away the evening again. So I'm finishing off the rest of the growler while waiting. And I have three different bottles of whisky in my booze cabinet waiting for me, plus a bunch of other stuff, which is nice, because my girlfriend may not wake up for another 40 hours. Grape and grain will put you in a state, grain plus grain and you'll [something that rhymes with plain that is synonymous with not being massively hung over the next morning]. Calamari is deleeshus. EDIT: AND JUST FOR YOU, madam, I asked my professor, who specializes in tropical parasitology and has a PhD from Oxford, and whose wife is in epidemiology, about that whole HIV-AIDS-syphilis thing. They have never heard of it and concur that it makes no fucking sense and fails to explain such phenomenon as pediatric AIDS.
Fuck. I just finished a month-long course AND finally got a job interview, but I won't have anybody to drink with for at least 2 hours. What exactly are the drinking alone rules? Is it always sad and pathetic, or are there ways around it? What if I know people will be joining me later, is it ok then? What if I'm playing Fallout 3 in my underwear? (I just had a flash vision of myself in 10 years at an AA meeting going "Well I guess it all started when...")
I think as long as you're ... a) not puking b) not doing it to escape problems c) not ashamed of or hiding it then drink as much as you want while you're alone. Alcohol has a j-shaped curve with respect to mortality; you're protecting yourself from cardiovascular disease.
I drink alone almost everyday. That's what happens when you live alone and love to drink. I hardly see how this is even a question on this board. Fallout 3 in underwear, pffff. What about laying in bed at 2:30 am watching Always Sunny on your laptop when you have class the next morning at 8:30 (last night). Guess what? It's still alright!
I've taken to the habit of doing night caps lately. Glass of scotch and a video/audio of Christopher Hitchens. Soothes me like a baby.
Yeah i've heard that a bunch! Wooo! Oh and for some reason, I can't get The Bart Man song out of my head. REd wine, how I've missed you buddy!
First time on the Weekend Drunk Thread! Rather excited about it, actually, because I always seem to get tto drunk on the weekends and then forget to post. Whatever, anyway my night so far has consisted of a pitcher of margaritas to myslef at the local Mexican place and a glass of Maker's Mark on the rocks. About to meet a friend-girl out at a new dueling-pianos bar with the roommate. He never drinks and has never really gotten drunk before, but tonight he plans on getting drunk. We'll see how it goes...hopefully he'll actually live up to his promises, but it remains to be seen. Will post back post-bars. P.S. I'm posting a promise to myself here so that's it's actually down in writing. I WILL NOT bring home dramatic-girl who I've been hooking up with since Halloween. It CANNOT happen and WILL NOT happen. Good. Glad that's been said. Have a good night everyone.
Son, as long as we're getting drunk together, we're not strangers. Fact: being tipsy makes me a surprisingly good Bubble Spinner player. A new high schore of 9722.
In the past I've generally run through the weekend drunk thread while at work on Monday and it has seemed amusing if slightly disjumbled. Now I'm squinting while reading it because I am having trouble focusing and it makes a certain kind of sense. This week was a bitch so I'm fixing myself up by drinking Dripping Springs vodka while watching "Swamp Loggers". The show is fantastic and the vodka is not quite as good as the guy at the liquopr store made it seem. Maybe I should move to Louisiana. Someone told some sort of Muslim joke earlier but I can't be bothered to go back and find it so I'll include my own and hope it's not the same. Q: Where do muslims go to get some food after going out to the bar? A: The Allah Snackbar note: I had to explain that joke to my moroccan friend last saturday. He didn't understand it was a play on Allah Akbar. Seriously, he asked what they served at the Allah snackabr.
just got home from 2.5 hours of volleyball. Time for a cold beer and a hot shower. Perhaps to the bar afterwords. Perhaps to my living room for drunken CoD. Either way, none of the stress from work and school and bills can bother me, it's finally Friday edit: scratch that. Beer finished, guess it's cold Jack and Coke and a hot shower.