Wow, I want to drink what Blue Dog is drinking. 12 cans of Coors Light definitely doesn't fuck you up that much.
I think having a goal in mind, beyond just the normal "It's Friday, time to get drunk", might be entertaining for me.
Let me tell you, I started out on this goddman bud 55 shit. I drank 12 of em and I didn't feel shit. This is after drinking half a bottle of wine last night and being drunker than a bird. So Then I swtched to whiskey and water and I came to an epipahny- Whiskey is much better than bud 55. Plus, I cooked more today than I have in months. That influenced el-drinko-o just a lil' bit.
I'm curious - how does cooking influence the drinking? Unless you mean that you have a shitton of food in you, so it's taking more booze than normal to get shitfaced.
Easy babe. I cook a bunch of stuff that sits in a pot for 4-6 hours with very minimum input by the cookers. If you add a meal like that to beer, whiskey, and a bonfire consistinf og my picnic table whcih I decied I didn't like anymore and needed to die. Pretty much, you drink wshile the low mateniannce stuff cooks for long periods of time! Today was a freezer cleanout day. I cooked a backstrap sauce piquant, a venison pot roast, backstrap kababs, and fried backstrap. Its a goos thing Im skinny again!
Dear Nickleback: Ha ha. I get it. Nice one. You really had us for a couple of years there. However, I beseech you - give up the act and let the world in on the joke. I am not sure I want to live in a world much longer where you are considered to be serious producers of music. Sincerely Colonel G. Astronaut, Knight of the Order of Jerusalem
I dont usually join these because I normally dont drink by myslef.... But Im drunk, and still drinking by myself. watchind DVDs of good morning miss bliss streaming on netflix. Yes that is the predisessor to saved by the bell. if you have streaming netflix look it up.. Miss bliss is hot for a British broad, and she has ha dental work done unlike you fucks from over the pond. Speaking of fucks from over the pond whatever happened to Tom88 (or something similar) the itallian dude going to school in london that liked to camp and pretend like he was in the army?
Holy hell, that's a shitload of all sorts of things. I've never cooked that much in one day - well done, sir.
If I see one more of those "Dollars for Gold" commercials I'm gona go fuckng postal. "Sell us your jewellery and heirlooms for a fractrion of what they're worth to catch up on your bills, then be up shit creek anyways!" These places are opening up like a Starbucks virus, too. Are we this fucking desperate?! Can't we just start killing each other for shoes again, like when Air Jordans came out? Those were the good old days. Canadian Club Reserve. ARRRRRRRRRRRGh. Weed me.
damnit you faggots call this a weekemd drunk thread then you go more than an hour with no posts. If I didnt know any better id assume you were drinking in your uncle's basement, and he called lights out. Dont be that message board!!!!
Hey, D'ja ever notice in movies Delroy Lindo never looks anybody in the face when he's talking to them? It's as if the key grip keeps jingling his keys behind the camera so he talks slightly towards the viewer, trying to look cool and thinking about what's next. HEy, is that why they call them a "key grip*"? *-rimshot
And yet I didn't see you posting anything before this post. Glass houses, mofucker, glass houses. I am now on beer #12 and it might be mixed drink time soon.
that's because he is canadian. he has never done anything right. But his dad would have you think different. He installed a system of pride in young CROWN ROYAL. just now is he realizing his dad was wrong. and he will cry as his life sucks. but damnit he is in canada, where suck is a way of life and being crown royal is a way of telling your family you have aids.
I bet you drink odulls, or you have been drinking those 12 beers for nine hours. either way you suck at life.
Just for the record- I've never seen Canada and gay sex in the same place at the same time. Coininceincedededdence? I think not, El Motherfuck-o!
Tonight is one of those sad sappy kind of drunks. Sometimes I feel so fucking displaced and lonely it's ridiculous. For the most part I like living here and wouldn't change it for the world, but other times being 4,500 miles from all of my close friends and family gets to me. And then I really wonder just what the fuck am I doing, why the hell am I here? It's easy to say the nice weather, but that's superficial and only gets at about an eighth of the real reason why someone would just pick up one day and randomly move around the world. I'm going to continue working this out and getting more drunk. Cock, balls, whores, rimjobs... (balancing post out)