Oh my god. Vinny stole the boss' girl on Jersey Shore. This is a pretty messed up situation, don't you think?
blaaaaaaaaahoasoghggggggooairn. I don't really feel hungoveer, I just feel dead. MDy brain don't work so good. fuuuuuckkkkkkkkkkkkk.
So yesterday' BBQ with the team was epic. Started drinking at 3 and threw pounds of mammal flesh on the grill. About 30-40 people in a 2 bedroom apartment with the grill outside. Someone brought a beer pong table and two kegs were dragged into the bathtub. Our 8 man cracked out a jar of peach moonshine mid-afternoon and I couldn't taste any alcohol, just sweet, sweet peaches. 6 shots and a slice of peach from the bottom of the jar later and I was fucked in half. That stuff is the sneakiest fucking thing I have ever seen. One minute I'm fine, slightly buzzed and chatting away with various guests and the next I'm a bumbling retard, walking into chairs and walls. I had tried it on Halloween night and got wrecked after a jar of cherry to myself, but this stuff was a whole different ballgame. We cleared the house of guests around nine to move the party elsewhere (things were starting to get rowdy and I have a very nice LCD TV I would prefer to keep in one piece. Rugby players aren't so good about ensuring that). We moved downtown to our rugby bar and the same 8 man was fucked in half. He stumbled in, threw down a pint of Guinness and started a conversation with the pint glass. I'm not sure what they were talking about but they got into an argument that culminated with him smashing the glass over his shaved head. He then sat down and proceeded to take a 30 minute nap before jumping awake and half running/stumbling to the bathroom to piss in the sink. The bar manager was less than pleased and we decided to move him next door to a different bar. He didn't make it in. He looked at the stairs leading up to the door suspiciously and tripped, spilling his beer all over the bouncer. We called a cab for him and his night was done. I got owned by one of the rugby girls. She was not cute, but persistence paid off for her. All night she kept whispering in my ear, seductively exposed her breasts when I talked to her and kept the other girls at bay. At closing time, she suggested splitting a cab and I was too drunk to catch on. So I ended up fucking a troll. I woke up next to her this morning with my head still spinning, looked over at the muppet and instantly wanted to eat a shotgun. I sent a text to my roommate last night around 3am, "duddde, im maeking a bad discisunnn tonit" and this morning I came back home to some of my teammates standing outside my apartment giving me a standing ovation and slaps on the back. Fuck everyone.
My friend's ass, not the best picture... Some cool corpses we found: Rep edit: they are calf corpses. They don't all make it.
Fuck me running. I just spent a few hours in some friends' home studio recording some tracks. Not only did I get drunk as fuck, but they convinced me to lay down some vocal tracks. I damn near threw up a lung and now I'm pretty sure my throat is bleeding. Fuckers. I agreed to play guitar on a couple of tracks, what's this singing bullshit? Jesus, I'm still dizzy from lack of oxygen.
Had some Old Parr scotch last night and it was fantastic. My friend bought it in a duty free shop while he was in South America a month ago.
Shut up and link us to the audio files on youtube already! Were you singing about the joy of random esplosions in the wilderness signalling dinner has just been flash fried?
What do pork rinds taste like? I have a handle of wine to drink before I go to sleep tonight. Delightful.
Apparently I talked shit behind some bartender's back while I was trashed. This fag (oh no there I go again!) finds me on facebook tries to play tough guy, then this motherfucker decides he wants to tell my girlfriend I was hitting on all of the waitresses there. So I guess I could be polite, offer my apologies and be done with it...or I could tell him to go fuck himself. Option 2 FTW!
I got absolutely written off last night. Woke up this morning and couldn’t find my keys anywhere. They were still in the front door lock... Saying I feel like shit just doesn’t do it justice. I really need sleep.
Ted Nugent is my hero. Not only is he a kick ass guitar player, but he loves hunting. I tried in vain to learn to play "Fred Bear" tonight and failed miserably. The basic song I can play, it's his finger picking that fucks me up...I just can't do it. (For those of you unfamiliar with the song it's about an old guy that taught him to hunt.) I will get this shit down eventually or else. Oh yeah...he's like 60 or so.
dunno if it still counts as the weekned but i'm working on number 7 or 8 after a very up and down weekend. Think I got home around 5 or 6 fri night/sat morning, but I woke up face down on my bed fully clothed including my jacket. Guess I had a good time... Besides that I'm trying to deal with the fact there's definitely some awkward sexual tension, and prob more beyond that, between my best friend and myself, and the fact that she has a boyfriend. Especially when one of us is drunk. maybe a few more beers will aid the decision making process