This is only effective if he makes a Braveheart type speech in his yard. "Let this be a warning to all you other mice. The sons and daughters of my refrigerator are yours no longer. Apologize for years of theft, scampering across my floor, and shitting in my sheets, aye, and you may live. Otherwise..." Then crack the bag. Of course he's painted half blue and naked while he does this in full view of a school bus stop. Also, what the fuck is the matter with you? It's just a cute, wil mouse. Just let the thing go. Stories of your mercy will echo through the mouse world.
I never use peanut butter on mousetraps anymore to catch the critters. I mean, what if the mouse has a nut allergy? These days I would be in so much trouble.
You should lop off its head with a chef's knife, and stick it out on a tiny pike in your front yard. Maybe with a tiny sign, "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch'intrate."
I use peanut butter for this exact reason: Not so much because I want to cause them pain, I just hope they have some anaphylactic reaction and swell up to a gigantic size, then I'll have a furry little football to throw around.
Cut its little mice paws off and release it. It can then personally attest to other mice to stay away. They'll fear you, but respect your unwavering justice.
Boy, this would make an interesting gift, depending on how things went with your ex-. And, just as a reminder: Today, Krystals are ONLY 25 CENTS starting IN 2 MINUTES!
This is also how they suggest killing mice/rats when feeding a pet snake. I remember the first time I thudded one against a wall my friends sat wide eyed, I don't know really what they expected since I told them what I had to do before hand.
If you sleep through your alarm and wake up after you should already be at work, that means the day can only get better, right? Sigh.
Well, you know what they say - Someone who would put a mouse in a bag and slam it against the wall is far more likely to put a person in a bag and slam them against a wall. Psychopath
Your sympathy makes you weak. Should the mice hear of my mercy, they will know I am weak too, and breach my borders again and again. There is only the way of the swor--opaque bag. Also you've clearly never had a mouse infestation. They are annoying and fill all your food items with holes and poop. Releasing them outside only means the same mice will be in your house again the next day.
And, the next time, they'll bring their friends. Also, on an unrelated note, did you know there are a number of videos on YouTube showing mice caught on sticky boards, some showing "how to release them down the street in a park" by using Canola oil, some with dramatic music showing how cruel they are? Because, I did not know that until a few minutes ago.
That's why we have a cat. She leaves their heads on the door step and eats the rest. She's so fucking awesome.
If I had a barn or a house prone to infestation, I would get a cat. I really, really want to like cats, but I just can't. I like other people's cats....but the idea of having on in my home, walking on my food preparation areas, getting in MY And don't tell me yours doesn't do that, because cats do whatever the fuck they want.
FTFY. Also, cats are jerks. I also got yelled at by my then fiancee for catching a mouse with a sticky trap and then killing it by running it over with my car after placing it in a plastic shopping bag. Did I go to far? I think that rather than let it suffer, I put it out of its misery quickly. She did not think that to be the case.